Our Mission

The School of Education is a supportive and inclusive community of educator scholars who are committed to providing our students with transformative experiences that impact lifelong learning. We empower students to become effective, innovative and empathetic educators and practitioners. 

Our Vision

The School of Education strives to deliver educator preparation programs that integrate theory and practice. Our programs foster creative scholarship with a global orientation. We strive to instill in students a respect for diversity in thought and cultural interaction. Teacher candidates are challenged to develop a deep understanding of their own and others' values to foster a lifelong desire to learn. We empower students to become compassionate and impactful educators and practitioners. 

Drs. Stephanie Mahfood, Ralph Olliges, Basiyr Rodney and Nicole Lee-Johnson

Assessment and Accreditations

Webster University is committed to continuous academic improvement focused on generating actionable changes to improve student learning, educational practices, and the overall student experience. Guided by feedback and leadership from the University Assessment Committee and support from Faculty Development Center staff, Webster University has developed and implemented a systemic and comprehensive multi-year assessment process for program-level assessment.

Discover more information regarding Webster University's continuous improvements efforts.

Webster University’s School of Education has developed and delivers high-quality programs to ensure that educators receive the best preparation for current and new contexts. In addition to adhering to the guidelines of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), the School of Education also adheres to the guidelines of other organizations with a focus on strengthening educator preparation.

In 2022, the School of Education received accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and had its accreditation renewed until 2028.

Webster University is also approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE) to offer coursework and programs that lead to Missouri state educator certification in more than 20 areas. Most of these programs are housed in the School of Education, and all certification programs work closely with the School of Education to ensure that candidates seeking these certifications will meet the requirements of the state.

The School of Education also complies with federal policies by submitting annual Title II reports, which report on programs that lead to initial teaching certification (i.e., a first teaching license with the state).

The Missouri Standards for the Preparation of Educators (MoSPE) outline the expectations for programs that are preparing educators for certification in Missouri. In order to ensure that programs are meeting these expectations, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) established an Annual Performance Report for Educator Preparation Programs (APEPP) to measure the performance of educator preparation programs EPPs) in valid, accurate and meaningful ways. The APEPP is based on the MoSPE performance standards and provides a mechanism by which to review and approve EPPs at the certification program level.

Publicly available Annual Performance Reports for Webster University's Teacher Preparation Programs, School Leader Preparation Programs, and School Counselor Preparation Programs are available on the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Missouri Comprehensive Data System site under Educator Preparation.

Section 205 of Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended in 2008, requires that each institution of higher education (IHE) that conducts a traditional or alternative teacher preparation program submit annual reports containing key requirements and characteristics of their programs to their respective states. States are required to submit annual reports to the U.S. Department of Education containing data on all of the IHEs and organizations that offer teacher preparation programs in their state.

More information regarding Webster University's Teacher Programs' Institution and Program Report Card (IPRC) can be found on the Title II website.

The Association for Behavior Analysis International has verified the courses for Webster University's Special Education Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) program toward the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst® or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst® examination. Applicants will need to meet additional requirements before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.

Providing Excellence in Teacher Preparation

CAEP Accreditation

For more than 10 years, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has accredited Webster University. In 2022, the School of Education received accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and had its accreditation renewed until 2028.

CAEP Accredited Provider: Excellence in Educator Preparation Accreditation

CAEP Accountability Measures

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) requires that the School of Education publicly report candidate performance data and other consumer information on its website. Following is the list of CAEP’s annual accountability measures with supporting evidence for each measure.

In November 2021, Webster University went through a rigorous peer review process by the professional accreditor CAEP and earned full accreditation for the following programs. The following will remain accredited through 2028.

Initial Licensure Programs

  • Education (BA) with Certification in the following areas:
    • Art (Grades K-12)
    • Elementary Education
    • Middle School (Grades 5-9) with a focus in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
    • Music Education (BMed) (Instrumental K-12 and Choral K-12)
    • Secondary Biology (Grades 9-12)
    • Secondary Chemistry (Grades 9-12)
    • Secondary English (Grades 9-12)
    • Secondary Mathematics (Grades 9-12)
    • Secondary Social Science (Grades 9-12)
    • Special Education
    • World Languages (French, German, or Spanish) (Grades K-12)

Advanced-Level Programs

  • Educational Leadership (EdS)
  • School Psychology (EdS)

R4.1 Completer Effectiveness. The provider demonstrates that program completers (a) effectively contribute to P-12 student learning growth AND (b) apply in P-12 classrooms the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions that the preparation experiences were designed to achieve.

As is consistent with other Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) in the state of Missouri, Webster University uses data from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to assess impact on P-12 learning and development. The School of Education assesses the teaching effectiveness of its completers using DESE’s principals of first-year teacher's survey.

In collaboration with the University of Missouri's Office of Social and Economic Data Analysis (OSEDA), and more recently the University of Missouri's Institute of Public Policy (IPP), DESE administers an annual survey of employers of first year teachers — typically their principals — in Missouri public schools. The principals are asked, “Based upon the performance based evaluation of this first year teacher, how would you rate his or her impact on students?” and "Based upon the performance based evaluation of this first year teacher, how would you rate his/her ability to achieve the expected level of student growth?"

A minimum of 15 responses is required for DESE to provide the data for a given survey item for a single year (actual n sizes are not provided). Most years, Webster University receives an insufficient number of responses to yield any data for this survey item. However, when we combine two years' worth of data at a time, we are able to report the results in two-year increments.

Available data show that the majority (89% in AYs 2023-2024, 2022-2023, and 90% in 2021-2022) of our completers’ employers perceive them to be effective or highly effective at impacting students as well as (84% in AY 2023-2024, 83% in 2022-2023; and 100% in 2021-2022) of our completers' employers perceive them to be achieving the expected level of student growth.

DESE First-Year Teacher Survey: Impact on P-12 Learning and Development

“Based upon the performance-based evaluation of this first-year teacher, how would you rate his or her impact on students?”

Year Range Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Minimally Effective (2) Ineffective (1) Mean Standard Deviation
2023-2024 Webster University 19% 70% 4% 7% 3 0.72
State of Missouri 28% 54% 14% 4% 3.06 0.76
2022-2023 Webster University 24% 65% 6% 6% 3.06 0.73
State of Missouri 28% 54% 14% 4% 3.05 0.77
2021-2022 Webster University 45% 45% 10% 0% 3.35 0.65
State of Missouri 32% 55% 11% 3% 3.15 0.71
2020-2021 Webster University 38% 42% 21% 0% 3.17 0.75
State of Missouri 33% 54% 11% 2% 3.18 0.70
2019-2020 Webster University 32% 45% 23% 0% 3.10 0.73
State of Missouri 33% 52% 12% 3% 3.14 0.75

"Based upon the performance-based evaluation of this first-year teacher, how would you rate his/her ability to achieve the expected level of student growth?"

Year Range Highly Effective (4) Effective (3) Minimally Effective (2) Ineffective (1) Mean Standard Deviation
2023-2024 Webster University 19% 65% 4% 12% 2.92 0.83
State of Missouri 25% 56% 15% 4% 3.01 0.75
2022-2023 Webster University 24% 59% 6% 12% 2.94 0.87
State of Missouri 24% 56% 15% 5% 3.00 0.76
2021-2022 Webster University 30% 70% 0% 0% 3.3 0.46
State of Missouri 29% 55% 13% 3% 3.11 0.72
2020-2021 Webster University 25% 54% 17% 4% 3 0.76
State of Missouri 31% 55% 12% 2% 3.14 0.70
2019-2020 Webster University 31% 38% 25% 6% 2.94 0.90
State of Missouri 32% 52% 13% 3% 3.13 0.74

R4.2 Satisfaction of Employers. The provider demonstrates employers are satisfied with the completers' preparation for their assigned responsibilities in working with diverse P-12 students and their families.

DESE administers an annual survey of employers of first year teachers — typically their principals — in Missouri public schools. The principals are asked to reflect on their perspective about the overall quality of the professional education program their employee completed. The survey contains contains 39 questions that are aligned to the nine Missouri Teacher Standards, with anywhere from two to seven survey items per standard. Additionally, there is one survey item related to technology. 

A minimum of 15 responses is required for DESE to provide the data for a given survey item in a given year (actual n sizes are not provided). In most years, Webster University does not receive a sufficient number of responses to yield any data for this survey item. However, when we combine two years' worth of data at a time, we are able to report the results in two-year increments.

Available data show that the majority (78% in 2023-2024; 77% in 2022-2023; and 85% in 2021-2022) of our completers’ employers perceive our EPP to be of good or very good quality.

DESE Employer Satisfaction with First-Year Teacher Educator Preparation

Which response best reflects your perspective about the overall quality of the professional education program your teacher completed?

Year Range Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Mean Standard Deviation
2023-2024 Webster University 15% 63% 11% 7% 4% 3.78 0.92
State of Missouri 30% 47% 16% 5% 2% 3.97 0.93
2022-2023 Webster University 18% 59% 12% 6% 6% 3.76 1.00
State of Missouri 30% 46% 17% 6% 2% 3.95 0.94
2021-2022 Webster University 50% 35% 15% 0% 0% 4.35 0.73
State of Missouri 33% 48% 14% 4% 1% 4.08 0.86
2021-2020 Webster University 42% 33% 17% 8% 0% 4.08 0.95
State of Missouri 35% 47% 13% 3% 1% 4.13 0.82
2019-2020 Webster University 42% 39% 10% 10% 0% 4.13 0.94
State of Missouri 35% 46% 14% 4% 1% 4.08 0.88

RA4.1 Satisfaction of Employers (Advanced) The provider demonstrates that employers are satisfied with the completers' preparation for their assigned responsibilities.

DESE First-Year Results: Indicators of First-Year Teachers and Principals Teaching Effectiveness

The following table show completer teacher effectiveness data. The table below summarizes the overall mean for each Missouri Teacher Standard from DESE's annual First-Year Teacher survey administered to teacher's principals. The survey contains 39 questions that are aligned to the nine Missouri Teacher Standards, with anywhere from two to seven survey items per standard assessing the preparedness of first year teachers and principals. An n size of at least 15 is required for DESE to provide Missouri EPPs with their annual data. Responses to the Teacher's Principal Survey are typically low, and it is not uncommon for the n size for a given academic year to be less than 15. Therefore, the SoE typically combines two years’ worth of responses to the Teacher's Principal Survey in order to obtain usable data from the survey. DESE has never received enough responses from the Principal's Supervisor Survey for our data to be made available to us. The combined overall means for each standard, since 2019, can be found in the table below.

Mean scores range from Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1).

Standard Person 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
Standard 1: Content Knowledge First-Year Teacher 3.9 4.11 4.35 4.11 4.09
Principal N < 15
Standard 2: Learning, Growth, and Development First-Year Teacher 3.69 3.83 4.06 3.98 3.91
Principal N < 15
Standard 3: Curriculum Implementation First-Year Teacher 3.8 3.93 4.23 4.04 4.07
Principal N < 15
Standard 4: Critical Thinking First-Year Teacher 3.79 3.93 4.14 4.00 3.84
Principal N < 15
Standard 5: Positive Classroom Environment First-Year Teacher 3.66 3.87 4.25 4.13 4.00
Principal N < 15
Standard 6: Effective Communication First-Year Teacher 3.91 4.11 4.38 4.23 4.19
Principal N < 15
Standard 7: Student Assessment and Data Analysis First-Year Teacher 3.85 3.98 4.13 3.96 4.04
Principal N < 15
Standard 8: Professionalism First-Year Teacher 3.89 4.1 4.23 4.13 4.07
Principal N < 15
Standard 9: Professional Collaboration First-Year Teacher 3.86 4.08 4.27 4.18 4.07
Principal N < 15
Technology: “The teacher was prepared to use technology to enhance student learning." First-Year Teacher 3.96 4.00 4.42 4.35 4.00
Principal N < 15

R5.3 Stakeholder Involvement. The provider includes relevant internal and external stakeholders in program design, evaluation, and continuous program improvement.

Webster University's School of Education established a new SOE Advisory Council in November 2020, based on recommendations generated by the previous SOE Advisory Council in April 2019.

The SOE advisory council's goals include reviewing and providing feedback on program data, program design, and syllabi and curricular needs in light of the field's needs and issues, as well as participating in larger, conceptual discussions about progressive educational initiatives and community engagement. The council currently meets three times a year, in the fall, spring, and summer. Meetings are planned with specific objectives based on the academic year's strategic goals.

External stakeholders include: two K-12 principals, an international student director, a career readiness educator, an elementary teacher, and a secondary teacher. Internal stakeholders include the interim dean of the School of Education, the chair of the teacher education department, the chair of the graduate education department, a member of the SOE Leadership Council, the director of Webster University's Doctor of Education program, the school's assessment and analysis coordinator, and an undergraduate candidate as well as a graduate candidate.

R3.3 Competency of Completion. The provider ensures candidates possess academic competency to teach effectively with positive impacts on diverse P-12 student learning and development through application of content knowledge, foundational pedagogical skills, and technology integration in the field(s) where certification is sought. Multiple measures are provided and data are disaggregated and analyzed based on race, ethnicity, and such other categories as may be relevant for the EPP’s mission.

The School of Education requires that all initial teacher candidates complete and pass all state requirements prior to graduation. Annual Performance Report (APR) data from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) — as well as data from Title II reports — show that our completers consistently meet state certification requirements. Webster University's DESE APR Summary and Title II reports are available below under Assessment and Accreditation.

Academic Year # of Completers Average Completer Cumulative Exit GPA Average Completer Summative MEES Score  Average Completer MoCA Score % of Dispositions Met for Completers
2023-2024 n = 36 3.77 59.3 243 99.1%
2022-2023 n = 36 3.75 61 242 99.7%
2021-2022 n = 45 3.75 62 247 99.8%
2020-2021 n = 37 3.60 60 257 100%
2019-2020 n = 40 3.81 No Data due to COVID-19 265 No Data due to COVID-19

Title II Assessment Pass Rates provide information on the performance of the students in Webster University's teacher preparation program. Programs with fewer than 10 scores reported on any single initial teacher credential assessment during an academic year, will average pass rates and scaled scores on each state credential assessment over a three-year period. The below scores were taken directly from publicly posted Webster University Title II Reports.

Program Completers Number Taking Tests Overall Average Scaled Score Number Passing Tests Pass Rate %
AY 2023-2024 34 243 34 100%
AY 2022-2023 36 242 36 100%
AY 2021-2022 45 247 44 98%
AY 2020-2021 37 257 37 100%
AY 2019-2020 40 265 40 100%

(Initial and Advanced)

Data provided should demonstrate the ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have been prepared.

Each year, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provides employment data on education personnel who completed a program of study through Webster University's educator preparation program and are currently employed in a K-12 Missouri public school. The table below demonstrates the percentage of Webster University EPP completers, since 2010, who are actively teaching in a K-12 Missouri public school as of the academic year 2023-2024.

Since 2010, Webster University completers, according to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's placement data, have spent an average of seven in half years teaching in a single district and an average of nine years teaching in Missouri public schools.

DESE's 2024 Webster University Educator Preparation Program Completer Placement Data

Subject Area 2024 Webster University EPP Completer Placements # of Public Schools # of School Districts

# of Completers since 2014

% Employed as of 2024
Art K-12 13 12 9 34 32.4%
Biology 9-12 1 1 1


Early Childhood Education Birth- Grade 3 29 24


50 50%
Elementary Education 1-6 62 49 29 143 34.3%
English 9-12 16 14 13 48 37.5%
Language Arts 5-9 8 8 8 10 60%
Mathematics 5-9 8 8 7 7 85.7%
Mathematics 9-12 12 12 9 20 50%
Mild/Mod Cross Categorical K-12 88 38 17 97 63.9%
Music-Instrumental K-12 2 5 2 12 8.3%
Music-Vocal K-12 10 11 9 28 28.6%
Principal 7-12 8 6 6 6 83.3%
Principal K-8 23 21


14 100%
School Psychologist K-12 10 3 3 9 100%
Science 5-9 7 7 6 12 100%
Social Science 5-9 6 6 6 6 100%
Social Science 9-12 21 20 15 34 47.1%
Spanish K-12 5 6 4 13 53.8%

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