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Webster University Makes Transferring Colleges Easy

Whether you’re transferring colleges to finish a degree that you’ve started or to earn an additional degree, we know it can be challenging to transfer credit you’ve earned and to navigate the transfer admissions process.

With rolling admissions, a generous transfer credit policy and student-focused faculty, we’re here to help you make transferring colleges as simple as possible. We welcome transfer students from community colleges, as well as students from other universities around the country.

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of undergraduate students are transfer students

Transfer Success — Student Spotlight, Laura Rodak


[Light instrumental music]

[Student smiling with trees in background.]

Text on screen: Student Spotlight Transfer Success

[Bouncy music]

Text on screen: Laura Rodak BA, Business Administration ’22

Laura Rodak: Being a transfer student from a community college to a university sometimes can be a little hard. There's a lot of paperwork. You have to see what requirements you meet.

[Rodak walks into a classroom, smiling.]

Rodak: It can get overwhelming. However, at Webster University, they were able to walk you through the process, the application, the financial aid office, admissions.

[Rodak fills out a form with a pen on a purple clipboard. She talks to someone in the hall while holding some paperwork.]

[The other student is a welcome student who is smiling and gesturing welcome with hands.]

[Another student is seen getting up from behind the admissions counter in the admissions office. There are Gorloks and photos on the walls. There is a bowl of pens, a computer, a cell phone, a drink, a notebook and some eyeglasses on the desk.]

Rodak: So, it's not just one person. It's a whole team behind it.

[Rodak is in the admissions office, smiling and holding her paperwork. Background screen on wall in office says, Welcome to Webster University! Dustin Hock.]

[Rodak in hallway talking to the camera again.]

Rodak: I started as a transfer student from a community college and the reason why I started there was because I had no idea what I wanted it to do.

[Rodak in an empty classroom with her textbook, writing in her notebook and looking at her open laptop in front of her.]

Rodak: Being a transfer student gave me the opportunity to kind of explore and see different options for me.

[Rodak back in the hallway talking to the camera.]

Rodak: I remember taking a tour, and in the tour, they told us how the classes are, uh, smaller than a normal university, and to be honest, that kind of scared me a little bit to have the one-on-one with an instructor.

[Rodak pictured from the side with glasses on face and writing something in her notebook at the desk in a classroom. The classroom door is in the distance.]

Rodak: However, it was(n’t) until I actually went into the classroom (and had) the interaction with the professor.

[A professor is shown at the front of the classroom talking and gesturing to the classroom.]

Rodak: They want you to be successful. They want to help you.

[Rodak is shown looking at the professor from the desks.]

[More views of the professor and Rodak interacting as teacher and student.]

[Then professor is shown in office sitting across from Rodak in a one-on-one visit. Professor’s office has plants sitting on windowsill. Several monitors are on her desk. A squishy Gorlok is sitting next to pen and pencil holder. There is an office landline phone on the desk. A heater coil can be seen in the background against the wall of the office. Rodak is writing notes down as the discussion continues. Both are smiling.]

[Shows both the professor and the student in a hallway of one of the academic buildings sitting at a small table talking. Rodak has her laptop open, and she is typing in some of what they are saying to each other. There are other tan and white tables and blue chairs in the background down the same corridor.]

Rodak: They're not here just to teach you a class, they're here to actually push you to be better to find yourself.

[Rodak is back in hallway talking to the camera.]

Rodak: When I was a student back in the community college, I was shy even though I got all my homework done. I got all my classes done, I never actually got involved.

[Five students, one which is Rodak, pictured outside talking and sitting on benches at the waterfall outside Luhr Building on campus. Some brick buildings can be seen in the background also lined with trees and bushes and a clear blue sky with sunshine.]

[Light music plays behind Rodak’s voice. All students smiling, talking and laughing together.]

[Rodak smiles for camera and shown in building with a sign behind her that says, “Unlock Your Gorlok.” She gives a high five to a Webster employee as a few others gather around to talk and visit in the hallway of an academic building.]

Rodak: Here at Webster, I felt like I fit in perfectly, and I was able to show the real me, and that's something that I don't think I will be able to do in another university.

[Rodak is shown outside under a tree, smiling at camera.]

Blue screen. Then the Webster University logo appears.

And website address appears:

[More light instrumental music plays.]

Connect with Webster on ZeeMee and discover all that we have to offer!

Connect with Webster on ZeeMee

Connect with Webster on ZeeMee and discover all that we have to offer!

On ZeeMee you will be able to:

  • Meet and chat with other interested students
  • Match on shared interests and passions
  • Try Friend Finder to see potential roommates for the future
  • Participate in live social events

Transfer Students Can Connect With Webster on Mobile ZeeMee App

A key part of the transfer admissions process at Webster is finding and connecting with a community of like-minded peers. After all, one of the best ways to excel as a transfer student is to build a strong network of supportive friends.

We use a dedicated social networking app to help connect students who are transferring colleges to students with shared interests.


Transfer Student Guides and Resources

We know you probably have questions about how to transfer colleges as easily as possible and how to transfer credits that you’ve worked hard to earn. We’ve compiled all the information you need when transferring colleges:

Jessica Battle transfer student
Student Testimonial

“From even before my first day on campus, an enormous amount of support was provided to me from the faculty and staff.”

Jessica Battle transfer student
Jessica Battle

Biological Sciences Transfer Student and WATTS Scholar

Learn More about WATTS Scholarship


Large group of students gathered on lawn to form a large W

Webster Family Connection webpage on desktop, tablet and phone

Webster Family Connection

Webster Family Connection webpage on desktop, tablet and phone

Did you know? Parents and family can connect with our community so we can provide you with the information you need about Webster, financial aid, academics and more. You can keep Webster updated with your current contact information and register for upcoming family events!

Connect your family at:

Learn More

Founded in 1915, Webster University is committed to ensuring high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. As a transfer student, you’ll be prepared for your next step — wherever it may take you. Explore our community resources to learn how to transfer college and feel at home right away.

Connect With Us

If you’re wondering how to seamlessly transfer colleges and get to know Webster better, it helps to stay up to date with campus news and events. We encourage transfer students to attend as many events as possible to get to know the school and their peers better


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