Alumni from our Global Campuses

Minor in Theatre

18 Credit Hours
Explore the theatre arts through courses on acting, the history of theatre, playwriting, playwrights and more. Courses to fulfill a requirement for any major cannot also be used to fulfill a requirement for the minor in theatre, although coursework may meet the Global Citizenship program requirements. All credits for the minor must be completed at Webster.
Theatre Minor Advisor — Doug Finlayson, finlaydo@webster.edu
- THEA 1050 Theatre Appreciation (3 hours) — GCP Arts Appreciation/Written Communication
- THEA 1080 Studio Acting I (3 hours) — GCP Arts Appreciation/Oral Communications
- THEA 2030 History of Theatre: Greeks to Elizabethan — GCP Roots of Culture/Written Communication
- THEA 2040 History of Theatre: Restoration to 1915 (3 hours) — GCP Roots of Culture/Written Communication
- THEA 2050 History of Theatre: 1915 to Present — GCP Roots of Culture/Written Communication
- THEA 2080 Studio Acting II (3 hours) — GCP Arts Appreciation/Oral Communications
- THEA 3030 Topics in Theatre (3 hours) Repeatable with different titles
- THEA 3040 Topics in Theatre (3 hours) Repeatable with different titles
- THEA 3070 Creative Dramatics: Social Issues (3 hours)
- MUTH 1030 History of American Musical Theatre (3 hours)
- ENGL 2170 Playwriting (3 hours)
- ENGL 2500 Global Dramatic Literature (3 hours)
- ENGL 4150 Shakespeare (3 hours)
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