Supporting Each Returning Veteran in the College Experience
This program is designed to help returning veterans adjust and succeed during their college experience. The students will meet weekly with an academic counselor to help determine their needs, and what strengths they have that will help them reach their goals. The counselor and the students work together to identify the positive attributes gained in the military which will help them succeed in civilian and academic life.
How can we help returning veterans adjust?
- Establish and maintain relationships with fellow students AND college faculty/staff
- Find meaning and purpose in life apart from the identity as a soldier
- Develop good academic habits
- Pay attention to physical well-being
- Prepare to talk about your war experience
- Connect with other veterans
- Learning strategies
- Academic counseling
- Peer tutoring
- Time management/organization
- Goal setting
- Problem solving
- Educational planning
What is the theory behind this program?
Our service provides veteran students with a strength-based approach to academic counseling. Strength-based counseling focuses on the student's areas of strength rather than their weaknesses. The faculty member helps the student apply they strengths to new and challenging tasks. Many veterans feel that the skills they have learned in the military are useless. (e.g., “There isn't a job out there that has a requirement of pulling a trigger. I don't know what I'm good at.”) By using a strength-based approach, our academic counselors can help the student realize that the skills they gained in the military are desirable and will help them succeed.
For any returning veterans who would like more information about utilizing the program or classroom accommodations, contact our Reeg Academic Resource Center at 314-246-8284.
For more information about post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury and how we may be able to assist you as it affects your continuing educational goals, please contact our student counseling office:
Student Counseling and Life Development
540 Garden Avenue
Phone: 314-968-7030
Email: (non-confidential)

Become a Gorlok

Whether you’re seeking to start your academic journey or continue what you already started, we'll help you achieve academic excellence while serving for your country. The first step is to fill out our application.