Transfer Credit degree programs are offered with 42 professional military and Department of Defense schools, including the prestigious Army Command and General Staff College. These transfer credit degree programs provide transfer credit for military-taught courses. Specialized military and veterans advising teams are available to assist you at each step (academic advising, admissions, financial aid, etc.). If you don't see a course listed for which you are seeking credit, please contact our Academic Advising team.
To find the Webster graduate programs into which you can transfer credit, please click on the military training course(s) you’ve completed below.
Transfer Credits Guidelines
For military students, the Office of Admissions awards transfer credit according to the guidelines discussed on Webster University’s transfer credits pages. In general, it is Webster University policy to accept credits earned from Professional Military Education (PME) institutions and those institutions fully accredited by a regional accrediting association for colleges and universities, provided that such credits have been earned through university-level courses appropriate to the student’s degree program at Webster.
Official military transcripts (joint services transcripts) must be submitted to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. Coursework recommended for academic college credit at the lower- or upper-division level by the American Council on Education (ACE) will be considered for transfer provided that the coursework is applicable to the student’s degree program. Admissions reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other institutions of higher education. Exceptions are considered for all military students.
Community College of the Air Force
Webster University is proud to be an Air University Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC) partner school. Airmen and Guardians holding an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) can apply their earned degree toward any Webster University undergraduate degree completion program, including several through Webster University Online.
Air Force Schools
This advising paper describes pre-approved graduate transfer credit from U.S. Air Force Professional Military Education courses as evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Official documentation of an ACE transcript must be submitted with the Request for Transfer Credit form. This guideline applies to George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology graduate degree programs.
The American Council on Education's Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services is the standard reference work for recognizing learning acquired in the military. Since ACE evaluations are subject to change without notice, please confirm course information and credit recommendations in the ACE Guide before submitting transfer credit requests.
Some USAF courses are not listed in the following chart because the ACE credit recommended is military specific and not relevant to Webster University programs and some credit hour recommendations are reduced to provide course substitutions or to eliminate course duplication. Other USAF courses are not listed because the USAF Air University is recognized as a "degree providing institution" and ACE does not provide recommended transfer credits. Please consult with the Webster University Office of Military Affairs with any questions or for any guidance.
Transfer Credit Guidelines
USAF Course Title and Course Number | ACE Exhibit Number and Exhibit Dates | Pre-approved Webster University Transfer Credit |
Accounting and Finance Officer J3OBR6721 |
AF-1408-0101 1/89-4/04 |
Public Finance 3 SH substitutes for either PADM 5840 Budgetary Theory and Analysis or BUSN 5200 Basic Finance for Managers Government Accounting Systems 3 SH (WBST Elective) |
Human Resource Management (HRMC) MLMDC 400 |
AF-1408-0075 Version 1 1/92-1/97 |
Personnel Administration 3 SH substitutes for PADM 5000 Public Administration Labor Relations 3 SH substitutes for HRMG 5930 Labor-Management Relations |
Advance Personnel Officer Course (APOC) MLMDC 400 |
AF-1408-0075 Version 2 10/97-6/10 |
Human Resource Management 3 SH substitutes for HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources |
Air National Guard Fighter Weapons Instructor F-400 FWS |
AF-1606-0151 2/83-9/09 |
Computer Applications 2 SH (WBST Elective) Instructional Methods 3 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer J3OBR21A1 006 |
AF-1704-0251 Version 3 12/01-Present |
Operations and Human Resources Management 3 SH substitutes for HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Industrial Safety 1 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer J3OBR21A1 006 |
AF-1704-0251 Version 2 6/95-11/01 |
Operations and Human Resources Management 3 SH substitutes for HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Industrial Hygiene and Safety 1 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer C3OBR4021 003 |
AF-1704-0252 Version 1 8/88-12/95 |
Operations and Human Resources Management 1 SH (WBST Elective) Industrial Hygiene and Safety 1 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer J3OBR21A1 009 |
AF-1704-0252 Version 2 1/96-9/05 |
Operations and Human Resources Management 1 SH (WBST Elective) Industrial Hygiene and Safety 1 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer J3OBR21A10B2A |
AF-1704-0252 Version 3 10/05-Present |
No graduate credit |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer (Accelerated) J3OBR4021 001C3OBR4021 004 |
AF-1704-0253 Version 1 4/90-12/95 |
Operations and Human Resources Management 1 SH (WBST Elective) Industrial Hygiene and Safety 1 SH (WBST Elective) |
Aircraft Maintenance Officer (Accelerated) J3OBR2141 0A2A |
AF-1704-0253 Version 3 10/05-Present |
No graduate credit |
Aircraft Maintenance/Munitions Officer J3OBR4021 004C3OBR4021 004C3OBR4001 001/002 |
AF-1704-0253 Version 1 8/90-5/95 |
Operations and Human Resources Management 3 SH substitutes for HRMG 5000 Managing Human Resources Industrial Hygiene and Safety 3 SH (WBST Elective) |
Base Transportation Officer J3ORR6051 002 |
AF-0419-0033 12/91-4/04 |
Transportation Management 3 SH (WBST Elective) |
Webster University's transfer credit degree program with the U.S. Air Force's National Security Space Institute (NSSI) course provides pre-approved graduate transfer credit for graduates of the U.S. Air Force National Security Space Institute (NSSI) Space 200 Space Application Course and Space 300 Space Integration Course. This transfer credit degree program offers these graduates the opportunity to transfer to transfer up to 9 credit hours of graduate transfer credits. The credit can be applied to master's degree programs in the Walker School of Business & Technology; select programs in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences including the MS in Criminal Justice, MA in International Relations, MA in Legal Studies, and MA in National Security Studies; and select programs in the College of Science and Health including the MS in Environmental Management, MA in Gerontology, MA in Human Services, and the MS in Science Management and Leadership. Transfer work can be used as either core courses or elective courses, depending on program requirements. Some programs may accept fewer credits based on specific degree requirements.
Eligibility Requirements
- Transfer credit awarded applies only to NSSI Space 200 and Space 300 graduates from 2004-July 24, 2020. All participants in the program must submit an official/certified copy of the courses completion certificate before transfer credit can be awarded. All participants in the program must submit an official copy of a transcript from the USAF Air University reflecting completion of the NSSI courses.
- Application and admission to one of the Webster University graduate programs listed above following prescribed admissions procedures.
- Submission of an official copy of a transcript showing completion of the above NSSI courses. All participants in the program must submit an official copy of a transcript from the USAF Air University reflecting completion of the NSSI courses.
- Submission of an official transcript showing completion of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited academic institution.
Transfer Credit Awarded
Pre-approved Course Substitutions: The following courses from NSSI are pre-approved for transfer credit and for course substitutions for specific Webster University core courses as indicated. Webster University courses do not substitute for NSSI courses.
Approved Webster University Transfer Credits (Up to a maximum of 9 credit hours) |
Transfer Credit |
SPSM 5740 Space Systems Dynamics-Orbital Mechanics | 3 Credits |
SPSM 5990 Issues in Space Operations | 3 Credits |
SPSM 5910 Space Systems Integration | 3 Credits |
CSSS 5990 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity | 3 Credits |
INTL 5500 Professional Seminars | 3 Credits |
INTL 5900 Advanced Research Methods | 3 Credits |
Note: Students have the option to transfer in separate course credits as listed below:
Space 200 allows for credit for: SPSM 5740 and SPSM 5990
Space 300 allows for credit for: SPSM 5910
Updated May 25, 2022
Other Air Force Courses
- AF Squadron Officers School (SOS) both resident and non-resident. Three (3) graduate transfer credits. Must have Air University Transcript.
- AF Command and Staff College (ACSC). Up to 12 graduate transfer credits. Must have Air University Transcript.
- Air Battle Manager (ABM) Training. Up to 12 graduate transfer credits. Must have Air University Transcript.
- Air War College (AWC). Up to 6 graduate transfer credits. Must have Air University Transcript.
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