To receive credit for your nonacademic achievements, you must be able to show how these experiences demonstrate mastery of learning outcomes for a specific course. This is most often done through a formal portfolio, but it can also include approved equivalencies for military or corporate training, as well as thorough subject matter examinations.
Getting Started
Before applying credit, you’ll need to apply for admission. We’re ready to assist you throughout this process. Once admitted, connect with your academic advisor about your career goals, available portfolio resources and how you might qualify for PLA credit.
Save Time and Money: Applying PLA credit to your degree plan can significantly shorten your degree-completion process. Fees for exams or portfolio completion are considerably less than the cost of tuition.
Gain Understanding: The PLA process can help you discover and better understand the many ways you learn and the ways you can apply learning throughout your life, in your jobs, your community involvement or other activities outside the classroom.
Develop Your Resume: You can demonstrate to employers how your prior learning adds value to your skill set.
A portfolio is a collection of documents that show you have mastered the outcomes of a specific course. You may enroll in EDEX 1000 Educational Program Analysis to learn how to create your first portfolio. Webster faculty will then assess the portfolio for potential college credit. After that, you may create up to nine additional portfolios for credit.
No, the course is not required. Students may work on their portfolio(s) without taking the EDEX 1000 class and submit the portfolio(s) for credit. Students submitting a portfolio for credit outside of EDEX 1000 are enrolled in EDEX 1001 (a 0-credit-course with a charge of $350 for the portfolio review).
The fee for your first portfolio is covered through the completion of EDEX 1000, which is a 3-credit-hour course at our regular undergraduate rate, if you choose to enroll in the course. Otherwise, all portfolios are assessed a fee of $350 through enrollment in EDEX 1001, a 0-credit-hour course.
Yes, if that training shows mastery of a specific course. This can be done through the completion of a formal portfolio.
Webster has transfer credit and cooperative agreements with all major armed services organizations. Webster's Military website has an extensive list of transfer courses, as well as other information to help veterans and active duty service members apply their military experience to Webster courses.
All undergraduate degree programs are available when utilizing prior learning assessment. Once you are admitted, you can work with an academic advisor to determine which program is the best fit and of interest to you.
Webster has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Interdisciplinary Studies, which is designed for students who need an efficient, flexible and custom-made pathway to an undergraduate degree. It is ideal for those who are interested in exploring multiple fields of study while maximizing prior learning and already-earned credits. Classes are available in a convenient, fully online format. Or blend your program by taking classes online and at one of our international campuses.
Potentially, any undergraduate course can qualify for PLA if you can show mastery of the specific learning outcomes of that course.
Yes. Courses assessed and given PLA endorsement through the portfolio process will be placed on the student transcript as a Webster course, which would count toward residency.
Yes. Students may only submit a total of 10 portfolios for potential credit.
Yes, but seek advice from your academic advisor. It may be more beneficial to take the courses due to time constraints and your expectation toward the completion of your degree.
Students given a positive approval on their portfolio will see their work placed on the transcript as a Webster course. The course will be a pass/fail and will not count in the overall GPA.
PLA courses will appear as Webster courses on the transcript whether they are a required or elective course.
Yes, the EDEX 1000 Education Program Analysis courses is offered online.
Yes, as they will be on the transcript as a Webster course. However, students should check transfer policies of the other institution for eligibility.
Talk with your academic advisor to determine whether PLA is the right path in this case.
No. We’ve partnered with to provide outside assessment of prior learning. Fee structures will vary, and any credit awarded will be transferred to the university under our current transfer of credit guidelines.
Speak with your advisor to determine if this option would be beneficial to you.
Resources for Portfolios

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Your time will come. It takes time and patience to get where you’re going, but eventually you’ll get there, and it’ll be worth it in the long run.”

BA in Journalism, ’18
Alumna | Regional Emmy RecipientThe University also awards college credit for passing test scores on various exams such as CLEP, DSST, Excelsior College Exams, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and other designated 13th year international credentials. The following general policies apply for credit earned through external credit by exam:
- A maximum of 32 credit hours will be awarded for first-year work earned through any combination of International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP), Austrian Matura, French Baccalaureate, German Abitur, Netherlands VWO, Swiss Maturite, and other designated 13th year programs normally completed prior to enrollment at a University.
- A maximum of 64 credit hours will be awarded for standardized tests (CLEP, DSST, Excelsior College Exams, Global Assessment Certificate), as this credit is normally designated as lower division.
- Duplicate coursework is not permitted.
- Credit awarded through exams does not affect a student's GPA.
- Credit awarded through external exams does not count toward the University's residency requirement.
- Degree-seeking students should speak with their academic advisor to discuss how the credit may apply toward degree requirements.
Click on the appropriate link below for policy and/or equivalencies for the selected exam or credential.
Webster University awards credit for the Advanced Placement (AP) Program. These tests are administered by the College Board in U.S. high schools.
To receive credit, entering students must request the College Board/AP Services to send official test results to the University. Generally, scores from the senior year of high school reach us in late July, and we notify students in writing of the credit they’ll receive shortly thereafter.
For information on how a student can request an official copy of the AP score report, go to the College Board website. The College Board code for Webster is 6933.
Webster University faculty reviews the content of the Advanced Placement Program to determine course equivalents and required scores. The following chart provides a list of AP courses considered for credit at Webster.
Scores of 3 or higher are required for credit toward the Global Citizenship Program (GCP). For the department equivalent, some may require a score of 4 or 5. If there is no GCP or department equivalent listed, the exam will come in as general elective credit. Refer to the listed score in chart below.
AP Subject | GCP Equivalent (scores of 3 or higher) |
Required Score | Department Equivalent | Credit Hours |
Art History | ROC | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | ARHS 2210 Intercultural History of Art | 3 | ||
Art Studio 2D Design | ARTS | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | Portfolio required for equivalency within the Art department | 3 | ||
Art Studio 3D Design | ARTS | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | Portfolio required for equivalency within the Art department | 3 | ||
Drawing | ARTS | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | Portfolio required for equivalency within the Art department | 3 | ||
Biology | PNW | 3, 4 | BIOL 1020/1021 Biology of Animals with Lab | 4 |
PNW | 5 | BIOL 1550/1551 Essentials of Biology I with Lab | 4 | |
Calculus AB | QL | 3, 4, 5 | 5 | |
4, 5 | MATH 1610 Calculus I | 5 | ||
Calculus BC | QL | 3 | MATH 1610 Calculus I | 5 |
QL | 4, 5 | MATH 1610 Calculus I, MATH 1620 Calculus II | 10 | |
Calculus (Pre) | 4, 5 | MATH 1480 Precalculus | 3 | |
Chemistry | PNW | 3, 4, 5 | 4 | |
5 | CHEM 1100/1101 General Chemistry I with Lab | 4 | ||
Chinese Language and Culture | GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | CHIN 1090 Elementary Chinese Level I, CHIN 1100 Elementary Chinese Level II | 6 |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | CHIN 1090 Elementary Chinese Level I, CHIN 1100 Elementary Chinese Level II, CHIN 2090 Intermediate Chinese Level I, CHIN 2100 Intermediate Chinese Level II | 12 | |
English Language and Composition | WCOM | 3, 4, 5 | 6 | |
4, 5 | WRIT 1010 Composition, General Elective | 6 | ||
English Literature and Composition | WCOM and ROC | 3, 4, 5 | 6 | |
4, 5 | WRIT 1010 Composition, ENGL 1030 Introduction to Literature | 6 | ||
Environmental Science | PNW | 3, 4, 5 | 4 | |
4, 5 | SCIN 1100/1101 Earth Science and the Environment with Lab | 4 | ||
European History | ROC | 3, 4, 5 | HIST 2230 Age of Total War, HIST 2210 Early Modern Europe | 6 |
French Language and Culture | GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | FREN 1090 Elementary French Level I, FREN 1100 Elementary French Level II | 6 |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | FREN 1090 Elementary French Level I, FREN 1100 Elementary French Level II, FREN 2090 Intermediate French Level I, FREN 2100 Intermediate French Level II | 12 | |
German Language and Culture | GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | GRMN 1090 Elementary German Level I, GRMN 1100 Elementary German Level II | 6 |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | GRMN 1090 Elementary German Level I, GRMN 1100 Elementary German Level II, GRMN 2090 Intermediate German Level I, GRMN 2100 Intermediate German Level II | 12 | |
Government and Politics: Comparative | GLBL | 3, 4, 5 | POLT 1080 Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 |
Government and Politics: United States | SSHB | 3, 4, 5 | POLT 1060 Introduction to American Politics | 3 |
Human Geography | SSHB | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | ANSO 1095 Introduction to Geography: World and Regional | 3 | ||
Italian Language and Culture | GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | ITAL 1090 Elementary Italian Level I, ITAL 1100 Elementary Italian Level II | 6 |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | ITAL 1090 Elementary Italian Level I, ITAL 1100 Elementary Italian Level II, ITAL 2090 Intermediate Italian Level I, ITAL 2100 Intermediate Italian Level II | 12 | |
Japanese Language and Culture | GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | JAPN 1090 Elementary Japanese Level I, JAPN 1100 Elementary Japanese Level II | 6 |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | JAPN 1090 Elementary Japanese Level I, JAPN 1100 Elementary Japanese Level II, JAPN 2090 Intermediate Japanese Level I, JAPN 2100 Intermediate Japanese Level II | 12 | |
Latin | ROC | 3, 4 | LATN 1090 Elementary Latin Level I, LATN 1100 Elementary Latin Level II | 6 |
ROC | 5 | LATN 1090 Elementary Latin Level I, LATN 1100 Elementary Latin Level II, LATN 2090 Intermediate Latin Level I | 9 | |
Macroeconomics* | SSHB | 3, 4, 5 | ECON 2030 Principles of Macroeconomics *If taken with AP Microeconomics will satisfy ECON 2000 Survey of Economics, which is required of most majors in the School of Business. See the catalog for requirements for each major. |
3 |
Microeconomics* | SSHB | 3, 4, 5 | ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics *If taken with AP Macroeconomics will satisfy ECON 2000 Survey of Economics, which is required of most majors in the School of Business. See the catalog for requirements for each major. |
3 |
Music Theory | ARTS | 3, 4, 5 | MUSC 1000 Fundamentals of Musicianship | 3 |
Physics I | PNW | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 1710/1711 College Physics I with Lab | 4 |
Physics II | PNW | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 1720/1721 College Physics II with Lab | 4 |
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 2040/2041 University Physics II with Lab | 4 | |
Physics C: Mechanics | PNW | 3, 4, 5 | PHYS 2030/2031 University Physics I with Lab | 4 |
Psychology | SSHB | 3, 4, 5 | 3 | |
4, 5 | PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology | 3 | ||
Research | WCOM | 3 | 3 | |
WCOM | 4, 5 | 6 | ||
Seminar | CRI | 3 | 3 | |
CRI | 4, 5 | 6 | ||
Spanish Language and Culture | ROC | 3, 4, 5 | SPAN 3250 Introduction to Literature | 3 |
GLBL and INTC | 3, 4 | SPAN 1090 Elementary Spanish Level I, SPAN 1100 Elementary Spanish Level II | 6 | |
GLBL and INTC | 5 | SPAN 1090 Elementary Spanish Level I, SPAN 1100 Elementary Spanish Level II, SPAN 2090 Intermediate Spanish Level I, SPAN 2100 Intermediate Spanish Level II | 12 | |
Statistics | QL | 3, 4, 5 | BUSN 2750 Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
QL | 4, 5 | MATH 2200 Statistics | 3 | |
United States History | ROC | 3, 4, 5 | HIST 1300 Colonial and Revolutionary America, HIST 1310 Nineteenth Century America |
6 |
World History: Modern | ROC | 3, 4, 5 | INTL 1500 The World System Since 1500 or HIST 1000 World Systems since 1500 | 3 |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University awards credit for the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). Specific information about CLEP exams is available on the College Board website.
Webster University, St. Louis serves as a testing center for CLEP. Please contact the Testing Center at 314-246-8225 for more information. If you choose to take the test elsewhere, simply direct the scores to Webster. The College Board/CLEP code for Webster University is 6933.
Prior to completing a CLEP exam, it is recommended that you discuss this with your academic advisor. There are many factors to consider, such as how it will apply toward degree requirements, potential duplication of credit, or whether certain upper-level courses completed may restrict any additional lower-level credit (particularly in languages).
Webster University faculty reviews the content of the CLEP exams to determine course equivalents and required scores. The following chart provides a list of CLEP exams considered for credit at Webster.
CLEP Exam | Required Score | GCP Equivalent | Department Equivalent | Credit Hours |
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
American Literature | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
College Composition | 50 | - | General Elective | 3 |
59 | WCOM | WRIT 1010 Composition and General Elective | 6 | |
English Composition Modular | 50 | WCOM | General Elective | 3 |
English Literature | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
Humanities | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
French Language* | 50 | GLBL and INTC | FREN 1090 Elementary French Level I, FREN 1100 Elementary French Level II |
6 |
59 | GLBL and INTC | FREN 1090 Elementary French Level I, FREN 1100 Elementary French Level II, FREN 2090 Intermediate French Level I |
9 | |
German Language* | 50 | GLBL and INTC | GRMN 1090 Elementary German Level I, GRMN 1100 Elementary German Level II |
6 |
59 | GLBL and INTC | GRMN 1090 Elementary German Level I, GRMN 1100 Elementary German Level II, GRMN 2090 Intermediate German Level I |
9 | |
Spanish Language* | 50 | GLBL and INTC | SPAN 1090 Elementary Spanish Level I, SPAN 1100 Elementary Spanish Level II |
6 |
59 | GLBL and INTC | SPAN 1090 Elementary Spanish Level I, SPAN 1100 Elementary Spanish Level II, SPAN 2090 Intermediate Spanish Level I |
9 | |
American Government | 50 | SSHB | POLT 1060 Introduction to American Politics | 3 |
History of the US I: Early Colonization to 1877 | 50 | ROC | HIST 1300 Revolutionary America | 3 |
History of the US II: 1865 to Present | 50 | ROC | HIST 1310 Nineteenth Century America | 3 |
Human Growth and Development | 50 | SSHB | PSYC 2300 Lifespan Development | 3 |
Intro to Educational Psychology | 50 | SSHB | PSYC 2400 Educational Psychology | 3 |
Prin of Macroeconomics | 50 | SSHB | ECON 2030 Principles of Macroeconomics If Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics are taken together, they will satisfy ECON 2000 Survey of Economics, which is required of most majors in the School of Business. See the catalog for requirements for each major. |
3 |
Prin of Microeconomics | 50 | SSHB | ECON 2020 Principles of Microeconomics If Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics are taken together, they will satisfy ECON 2000 Survey of Economics, which is required of most majors in the School of Business. See the catalog for requirements for each major. |
3 |
Intro Psychology | 50 | SSHB | PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Intro Sociology | 50 | SSHB | SOCI 1100 Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
Social Sciences and History | 50 | SSHB | General Elective | 6 |
Western Civ I: Ancient Near East to 1648 | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
Western Civ II: 1648 to Present | 50 | ROC | General Elective | 3 |
Biology** | 50 | PNW | General Elective | 6 |
Calculus | 50 | QL | MATH 1470 Survey of Calculus | 3 |
Chemistry** | 50 | PNW | General Elective | 6 |
College Algebra | 50 | QL | MATH 1430 College Algebra | 3 |
College Mathematics | 50 | QL | MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics or MATH 1490 Finite Mathematics | 3 |
Natural Sciences | 50 | PNW | General Elective | 6 |
Precalculus | 50 | QL | General Elective | 3 |
Financial Accounting | 50 | - | ACCT 2010 Financial Accounting | 3 |
Information Systems | 50 | - | COSC 1540 Emerging Technologies | 3 |
Intro Business Law | 50 | - | MNGT 3280 Introduction to Business Law | 3 |
Principles of Management | 50 | - | MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practice | 3 |
Principles of Marketing | 50 | - | MNGT 3500 Marketing | 3 |
* Before transferring CLEP credit, you may wish to contact the Department of Global Languages and Cultures to ask about their Recognition Credit. This option grants Webster credit you can use towards a minor in French, German or Spanish. Call the department office at 314-968-7047 for more information.
** The CLEP science exams do not offer laboratory components, therefore cannot be considered equivalent to courses in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics department at Webster which require labs.
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University awards credit for the Excelsior College Examinations (ECEs). Specific information about ECE exams is available on the Excelsior Exams website.
Prior to completing an ECE exam, it is recommended that you discuss this with your academic advisor. There are many factors to consider, such as how it will apply toward degree requirements, potential duplication of credit, and whether you have already transferred the maximum number of credits in any category.
Webster University faculty reviews the content of the ECE exams to determine course equivalents and required scores. The following chart provides a list of ECE exams considered for credit at Webster.
Note: Exams are listed for relevancy to the Global Citizenship Program (GCP) and the academic departments. For questions about how ECE exams apply to the previous general education model, please see an advisor. If a student has questions about which general education program they are to follow, they should confer with their advisor or admissions counselor.
Exam Number | ECE Exam | Required Score | GCP Equivalent | Department Equivalent | Credit Hours and Level |
459 | Abnormal Psychology | C | SSHB | PSYC 3125 Abnormal Psychology | 3 upper |
509 | Anatomy and Physiology | C | - | BIOL 1610 Anatomy and Physiology I, and BIOL 1620 Anatomy and Physiology II | 6 lower |
259/413 | Bioethics: Philosophical Issues | C | ETH | PHIL 2340 Bioethics | 3 upper or 3 lower |
545 | Cultural Diversity | C | SSHB | MULC 1100 Introduction to Multicultural Studies | 3 upper |
360/415 | Earth Science | C | PNW | SCIN 1010 Topics in Physical Science | 3 lower |
434 | English Composition | C | WCOM | WRIT 1010 Composition | 6 lower |
484 | Ethics: Theory and Practice | C | ETH | General Elective | 3 upper |
407 | Foundations of Gerontology | C | - | General Elective This will not apply as a departmental elective for majors within the Department of Science and Health. |
3 upper |
351/486 | Human Resource Management | C | - | MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management | 3 upper |
417 | Interpersonal Communication | C | SSHB | SPCM 1280 Interpersonal Communication | 3 lower |
363/416 | Introduction to Philosophy | C | ROC | PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy | 3 lower |
364/411 | Juvenile Delinquency | C | - | PSYC 3425 Juvenile Delinquency | 3 upper |
352/538 | Labor Relations | C | - | MNGT 3420 Labor-Management Relations | 3 upper |
583 | Life Span Developmental Psychology | C | SSHB | PSYC 2300 Lifespan Development | 3 lower |
558 | Microbiology | C | PNW | General Elective | 3 lower |
353/435 | Organizational Behavior | C | - | MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior | 3 upper |
354/584 | Pathophysiology | C | - | BIOL 4030 Pathophysiology | 3 upper |
355/485 | Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | C | SSHB | PSYC 2950 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging | 3 upper |
356/436 | Research Methods in Psychology | C | - | PSYC 2825 Introduction to Research Methods | 3 upper |
357/412 | Social Psychology | C | SSHB | PSYC 3600 Social Psychology | 3 upper |
367/512 | World Conflicts Since 1900 | C | - | General Elective | 3 upper |
Nursing Exams
Credit may not be given if a student has earned credit in basic nursing education. These examinations are normally not used as part of a BSN program. Credit may not be granted for exams that duplicate content or areas.
Upper level credit may be considered, if content not duplicated by previous coursework. Students must receive approval from Chair of the Nursing Department and the Registrar prior to taking exams.
Exam Number | ECE Exam | Required Score | Equivalent | Credit Hours and Level |
554 | Adult Nursing | C | General Elective | 8 upper |
546 | Community Focused Nursing | C | General Elective | 4 upper |
490 | Essentials of Nursing Care: Chronicity | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
489 | Essentials of Nursing Care: Health Differences | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
488 | Essentials of Nursing Care: Health Safety | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
491 | Essentials of Nursing Care: Reproductive Health | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
403 | Fundamentals of Nursing | C | General Elective | 8 lower |
492 | Health Differences Across the Life Span 1 | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
493 | Health Differences Across the Life Span 2 | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
494 | Health Differences Across the Life Span 3 | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
457 | Maternal and Child Nursing (Baccalaureate) | C | General Elective | 8 upper |
453 | Maternal and Child Nursing (Associate) | C | General Elective | 6 lower |
503 | Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing | C | General Elective | 8 upper |
537 | Research in Nursing | C | General Elective | 3 upper |
495 | Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse Role | C | General Elective | 3 lower |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University awards credit for the DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST). Specific information about DSST exams is available on the DSST website.
Webster University, St. Louis serves as a testing center for DSST. Please contact the Testing Center at 314-246-8225 for more information. If you choose to take the test elsewhere, simply direct the scores to Webster.
Prior to completing a DSST exam, it is recommended that you discuss this with your academic advisor. There are many factors to consider, such as how it will apply toward degree requirements, potential duplication of credit, and whether you have already transferred the maximum number of credits in any category.
Webster University faculty reviews the content of the DSST exams to determine course equivalents and required scores. The following chart provides a list of DSST exams considered for credit at Webster.
DSST Exam | Required Score | GCP Equivalent | Department Equivalent | Credit Hours and Level |
Art of the Western World | 400/434 | ROC | ARHS 2210 Introduction to the History of Western Art (Minimum score of 434 to receive department equivalency) |
3 lower |
Astronomy | 400 | PNW | SCIN 1150 Astronomy | 3 lower |
Business Ethics and Society | 400 | - | BUSN 4300 Business Ethics | 3 upper |
Business Mathematics | 400 | QL | MATH 1360 Business Mathematics | 3 lower |
Civil War and Reconstruction | 400 | ROC | HIST 1010 Topics in History | 3 upper |
Criminal Justice | 400 | - | CRIM 2250 Introduction to Crime Control Systems | 3 lower |
Environmental Science | 400 | PNW | SCIN 1010 Topics in Physical Science | 3 lower |
Ethics in America | 400 | ROC and ETH | PHIL 2110 Introduction to Ethics | 3 upper |
Foundations of Education | 400 | SSHB | EDUC 2800 Foundations in Education (does not meet departmental requirement for Education majors) |
3 lower |
Fundamentals of College Algebra | 400 | QL | MATH 1430 College Algebra | 3 lower |
Fundamentals of Counseling | 400 | - | PSYC 3900 Introduction to Counseling | 3 lower |
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity | 400 | - | General Elective | 3 upper |
General Anthropology | 400 | ROC | ANTH 2000 Issues in Contemporary Anthropology | 3 lower |
Health and Human Development | 400 | - | HLSC 1310 Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle | 3 lower |
History of Vietnam War | 400 | ROC | HIST 1010 Topics in History | 3 lower |
Human Resource Management | 400 | - | MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management | 3 lower |
Introduction to Geography | 400 | SSHB | ANTH 1400 Introduction to Geography: World and Regional | 3 lower |
Introduction to Business | 400 | - | BUSN 1200 Introduction to Business | 3 lower |
Computing and Information Technology | 400 | - | COSC 1540 Emerging Technologies | 3 lower |
Intro to Law Enforcement | 400 | - | CRIM 3000 Topics in Criminology | 3 upper |
Introduction to World Religions | 400 | ROC | RELG 1060 World Religions | 3 lower |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology | 400 | SSHB | PSYC 2300 Lifespan Development | 3 lower |
Management Information Systems | 400 | - | General Elective | 3 lower |
Money and Banking | 400 | - | ECON 3200 Money and Banking | 3 upper |
Organizational Behavior | 400 | - | MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior | 3 lower |
Personal Finance | 400 | - | BUSN 2210 Personal Finance | 3 lower |
Principles of Advanced English Composition | 400 | WCOM | - | 3 lower |
Principles of Finance | 400 | - | General Elective (an Introduction to Finance course; does not duplicate FINC 3210) |
3 lower |
Principles of Public Speaking (speech required) This exam is not available at the Webster St. Louis Testing Center. |
400 | OCOM | SPCM 1040 Public Speaking | 3 lower |
Principles of Statistics | 400 | QL | BUSN 2750 Introduction to Statistics or STAT 1100 Descriptive Statistics | 3 lower |
Principles of Supervision | 400 | - | MNGT 2400 Supervisory Management | 3 lower |
History of the Soviet Union | 400 | ROC | HIST 2250 History of Russia | 3 upper |
Drug and Alcohol Abuse | 400 | - | PSYC 4550 Drug and Chemical Dependency | 3 upper |
Technical Writing | 400 | WCOM | WRIT 2090 Writing in the Workplace | 3 lower |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University will award up to 32 credits for International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and certificate. Webster University recognizes the academic course work completed in both the diploma program and the career-related program for advanced standing credit. Credit is awarded as follows:
- Higher Level (HL) subjects: 8 credits for each grade of 4 or higher.
- Standard Level (SL) subjects: 4 credits for each grade of 4 or higher.
There are several acceptable formats for IB score results. A student may submit:
- Copies of the original diploma certified by a Webster University Admissions counselor.
- Official score reports from IB sent to the student.
- Official score reports from IB sent to Webster.
- Score reports reported via the web, verified by Webster.
Webster University faculty reviews the content of the IB courses to determine course equivalents. The following chart provides a list of IB exams considered for credit at Webster. A course will only be eligible for elective credit if indicated by a dash (-). Theory of knowledge, extended essay, and creativity, activity and service are not eligible for advanced standing credit.
Please note: If more than one course equivalency is listed, only the first will apply if subject taken at the standard level. Both equivalencies will apply if subject taken at the higher level.
IB Course | SL Course Equivalency | SL GCP Area | HL Course Equivalency (in addition to SL Equivalency) |
HL GCP Area |
Language A: Literature | ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
Language A: Language and Literature | ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
Language ab initio | If first/native language: ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
If secondary/foreign language: ILC 1090 | GLBL and INTC | ILC 1090 | GLBL INTC | |
Language B | If first/native language: ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
If secondary/foreign language: ILC 1090 | GLBL and INTC | ILC 1100 | GLBL INTC | |
English A1 or A2 | ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
Literature and Performance | ENGL 1044 | ROC | - | - |
Classical Languages: Latin | LATN 1090 Elementary Latin Level I | ROC | LATN 1100 Elementary Latin Level II | ROC |
Classical Languages: Greek | ILC 1090 Elementary Language Level I | GLBL and INTC | ILC 1100 Elementary Language Level II | GLBL INTC |
Business and Management | MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practices | - | - | - |
Economics | ECON 2030 Principles of Macroeconomics | SSHB | ECON 2000 Survey of Economics | |
Geography | ANTH 1400 Introduction to Geography: World and Regional | SSHB | - | - |
History of Europe and Islamic World | HIST 2610 | ROC | - | - |
History: Twentieth Century World History | HIST 2610 | GLBL | - | - |
Information Tech in Global Society | - | - | - | - |
Philosophy | PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy | ROC | PHIL 2080 | ROC |
Psychology | PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology | SSHB | PSYC 2000 | SSHB |
Social and Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 1100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | ROC | ANTH 2000 | ROC |
World Religions | RELG 1060 | GLBL | - | - |
Global Politics | POLT 2610 | SSHB | - | - |
Biology | BIOL 1550/1551 Essentials of Biology I with Lab | PNW | BIOL 1560/1561 Essentials of Biology II with Lab | PNW |
Chemistry | CHEM 1100/1101 General Chemistry I with Lab | PNW | CHEM 1110/1111 General Chemistry II with Lab | PNW |
Design Technology | - | - | - | - |
Physics | PHYS 1710/1711 College Physics I with Lab | PNW | - | PNW |
Environmental Systems and Societies | - | PNW | n/a | n/a |
Sports, Exercise and Health Science | EXSC 1400 | PNW | - | - |
Mathematical Studies | MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics | QL | MATH 1430 College Algebra | QL |
Mathematics | MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics | QL | MATH 1430 College Algebra | QL |
Further Mathematics | MATH 1410 Introductory College Mathematics | QL | MATH 1430 College Algebra | QL |
Computer Science | COSC 1540 Emerging Technologies | - | - | - |
Dance | - | ARTS | - | - |
Music | MUSC 1050 Introduction to Music Appreciation | ARTS | ARTS | |
Film | FLST 1000 Film and TV Appreciation | ARTS | - | ARTS |
Theatre | THEA 1050 Theatre Appreciation | ARTS | - | ARTS |
Visual Arts | - | ARTS | - | ARTS |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University will recognize ACT Education Solutions, Limited’s Global Assessment Certificate (GAC) Program as satisfying our undergraduate admission requirements.
Students will have to finish the program with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. If the GPA is lower than 2.5, students will be considered on a case by case basis.
All new applicants for whom English is a second language are required to present either TOEFL scores of at least 80 iBT, 550 PBT or IELTS score of at least 6.0. If English scores do not meet the above requirement, students will be considered on case by case basis.
Webster University will award 39 credits for the Global Assessment Certificate, 3 credits for each exam, as follow:
Course/Exam Number | Title | Credits |
GAC014 | Academic English III: Listening and Speaking | 3 |
GAC015 | Academic English III: Reading and Writing Skills | 3 |
GAC012 | Business II: Business Studies | 3 |
GAC022 | Business III: International Business Studies | 3 |
GAC006 | Business, Science and Social Science I: Communication | 3 |
GAC005 | Computing I: Intro to Computing for Academic Studies | 3 |
GAC017 | Computing III: Digital Communication | 3 |
GAC011 | Computing II: Data Management | 3 |
GAC010 | Mathematics II: Probability, Statistics and Finance | 3 |
GAC016 | Mathematics III: Calculus and Advanced Applications | 3 |
GAC023 | Science III: General Science | 3 |
GAC027 | Social Science II: Identify and Interaction in Society | 3 |
GAC028 | Social Science III: Research Skills and Global Issues | 3 |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
Webster University awards credit for StraighterLine courses. Specific information about StraighterLine courses can be found on the StraighterLine website. In order to receive credit, students must request an official transcript be sent from the American Council on Education (ACE).
Prior to completing a StraighterLine course, it is recommended that you discuss this with your academic advisor. There are many factors to consider, such as how it will apply toward degree requirements, potential duplication of credit, or whether certain upper-level courses completed may restrict any additional lower-level credit (particularly in languages). The following StraighterLine courses have been evaluated based on Webster’s Global Citizenship Program (GCP), a general education program developed by Webster University faculty to help prepare students to confront global problems and 21st century challenges. Please consult with your Webster admissions counselor or academic advisor to determine how StraighterLine credit could transfer in as department credit.
StraighterLine Courses | Required Score | GCP Equivalent | Credit Hours |
Accounting I | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Accounting II | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
American Government | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Anatomy and Physiology I | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Anatomy and Physiology II | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Business Communication | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Business Ethics | 70 | ETH | 3 |
Business Law | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Business Statistics | 70 | QL | 3 |
College Algebra | 70 | QL | 3 |
Cultural Anthropology | 70 | ROC | 3 |
English Composition I | 70 | WCOM | 3 |
English Composition II | 70 | WCOM | 3 |
Financial Accounting | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
First Aid/CPR | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
General Calculus I | 70 | QL | 4 |
General Calculus II | 70 | QL | 4 |
General Chemistry I | 70 | PNW | 3 |
General Physics | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Introduction to Biology | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Introduction to Business | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Introduction to Communication | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Introduction to Criminal Justice | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Introduction to Environmental Science | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Introduction to Nutrition | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Introduction to Philosophy | 70 | ROC | 3 |
Introduction to Psychology | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Introduction to Religion | 70 | ROC | 3 |
Introduction to Sociology | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Introduction to Statistics | 70 | QL | 4 |
Macroeconomics | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Managerial Accounting | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Medical Terminology | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Microbiology | 70 | PNW | 3 |
Microeconomics | 70 | SSHB | 3 |
Organizational Behavior | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Personal Finance | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Personal Fitness & Wellness | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Pharmacology | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Precalculus | 70 | QL | 3 |
Principles of Management | 70 | General Elective | 3 |
Spanish I | 70 | GLBL and INTC | 4 |
Spanish II | 70 | GLBL and INTC | 4 |
Survey of World History | 70 | ROC | 3 |
United States History I | 70 | ROC | 3 |
United States History II | 70 | ROC | 3 |
Western Civilization I | 70 | ROC | 3 |
Western Civilization II | 70 | ROC | 3 |
Webster University reserves the right to correct errors in these listings or to make revisions in credit awards or course equivalencies without prior notice.
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