Academic Integrity

At Webster University, we value academic integrity as our mission is to ensure high-quality learning experiences that transform students for global citizenship and individual excellence. Our community plays a critical role in upholding our values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.
Part of maintaining academic integrity is utilizing the resources available to students at Webster University.
Assistive technology is available for students who need additional support.
If you have any questions about assistive technology, send an email to atarc@webster.edu.
Disability Accommodations
Disability accommodations are available through the Reeg Academic Resource Center, and Webster University considers admission, financial aid, program and activity applications without regard to disability. The Reeg Academic Resource Center's Academic ADA Coordinator helps St. Louis and Webster University Online students with documented physical, psychological, medical and/or learning disabilities to obtain the accommodations they need to have equal access to information and equal opportunity for program success. At extended sites and international campuses, the site director or a staff designee assists students with disability accommodations.
If you have any questions about disability accommodations, send an email to disability@webster.edu.
Mission: The Webster University Testing Center proctors academic and professional exams for students and the surrounding community. We provide professional support to ensure that our testing environment is distraction-reduced, secure and accessible. We align with Webster University's mission and values. The Testing Center maintains membership with and adheres to the National College Testing Association (NCTA)'s Professional Standards and Guidelines.
The Webster University Testing Center is located within the Reeg Academic Resource Center in Loretto Hall, Room 40, on the Webster Groves campus.
Services are free to students taking Webster course exams or Webster-based placement exams. A $25 proctor fee is applied to students taking non-Webster exams (such as CLEP, DSST, or distance courses for other universities). The Testing Center also offers the Missouri General Education Assessment (MoGEA).
Testing Center Hours
- Monday: 9 a.m.–7 p.m.
- Tuesday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Testing Center Lobby

Entering Testing Area

Testing Center Cubicles

Individual Testing Cubicle

Leaving Testing Center
Testing Center Academic Integrity Policy
Webster University Testing Center staff members are committed to ensuring academic integrity and follow strict guidelines with regard to what constitutes academic dishonesty. If suspected of cheating, students will be dismissed from the testing room and their testing materials will be collected. A letter will be written to the course instructor or external testing administrator describing the incident. This situation could result in test scores being canceled or other disciplinary action.
Exam takers are expected to:
- Remain quiet throughout the exam. Whispering, talking, writing or any form of communication with other students during an exam is never appropriate.
- Remain in their chairs until they finish the exam, unless they have permission from a proctor to leave the room.
- Use only materials approved by the test administrators during the exam.
- Keep all testing materials on their desks throughout the examination.
- Stop all work when time has been called.
- Turn in all examination materials (exam, Scantron, scrap paper, etc.) before leaving the Testing Center.
- Lock all cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices away before the start of the exam. These items are not allowed in the testing rooms.
If you have any questions about Testing Center services or want to make an appointment, call 314-246-8225 or send an email to testing@webster.edu.


The Transitions program supports conditionally-admitted undergraduate students by preparing them for the academic rigor of Webster University. The Transitions program provides students with overall knowledge of available University resources. Specifically, the Transitions program serves students who are conditionally accepted to the University and have 30 or fewer hours of college coursework completed. The transition to college can be challenging, which is why Webster University offers the summer residential Transition and Academic Prep (TAP) program for Transitions students. If you have any questions about the Transitions or TAP program, please call 314-246-8768 or email transitions@webster.edu.


The Tutoring Program has a pool of capable tutors available to work one-on-one or in small groups with students to help them achieve greater confidence, independence and success as learners. Individual peer tutoring is available by appointment for both short-term “catch-up” work and ongoing support (see the schedule below, and make an appointment). Online tutoring services through NetTutor are available to students worldwide. To access these services, log in to WorldClassRoom (Canvas), open any course shell and click on NetTutor in the left-hand course menu, then select the subject or group area most appropriate. For questions or further assistance, click on the Help icon in WorldClassRoom and select the Peer Tutoring Request Form.
If you have any questions about the tutoring program, call 314-246-7107 or send an email to tutoring@webster.edu.
Students should review available appointment times in MyWCOnline and schedule a tutoring appointment. Students will meet with the peer tutor at the scheduled appointment time (Central
Time). Peer tutoring is available either in-person (at the Webster Groves campus)
or virtually through Zoom.
You can also use NetTutor for tutoring assistance. Just select the NetTutor link in
any of your courses in WorldClassRoom (Canvas).
If you have any questions about tutoring, please contact the Tutoring Program Coordinator,
at 314-246-7107 or email tutoring@webster.edu.
Spring 2025 Tutoring Subjects
ACCT 2010 - Financial Accounting I
ACCT 2025 - Managerial Accounting
BIOL 1560 - Essentials of Biology II
CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 2110 - Organic Chemistry II
COSC 1550 - Computer Programming I
COSC 1560 - Computer Programming II
COSC 1570 - Mathematics for Computer Science
COSC 2670 - Network Principles
JAPN 1090 - Elementary Japanese Level 1
JAPN 1100 - Elementary Japanese Level 2
MATH 1430 - College Algebra
MATH 1480 - Precalculus
MATH 1610 - Calculus I
PHYS 1720 - College Physics II
PHYS 2040 - University Physics II

Writing Support

The Writing Center provides a friendly, welcoming place where students receive one-on-one support and advice to demystify the writing process and become more confident writers. Trained coaches help students through paper-writing processes for any types of projects in any discipline. To see the Writing Center schedule and/or make an appointment for a live session, visit our scheduler at MyWCOnline. NetTutor and the Writing Center also offer written feedback to all students worldwide, especially those unable to meet face-to-face. See the Writing Support page for instructions on how to submit papers to our written feedback services or how to access NetTutor.
If you have any questions about writing services, call 314-246-8644 or send an email to writing@webster.edu.
Visit MyWCOnline to view the Writing Center schedule and/or book a writing appointment.
If it is your first time to MyWCOnline, you need to register for an account. Then you will be able to see and book any available days and times to meet your project deadlines. You will then meet with the writing coach at the scheduled appointment time (CST). Writing support is available either in person in the Reeg Academic Resource Center in 40 Loretto Hall or virtually through Zoom (links found below next to each coach's "about" section in your appointment details). See the video above for a walkthrough of how to make an appointment for a live session using MyWCOnline.
If you do not see a day and time that fits your schedule, you can also use NetTutor for writing support. Follow the NetTutor link in any WorldClassRoom (Canvas) course shell, pick the subject you need (or "Writing" for general writing advice), and select the type of service you would like: a live tutoring session, question drop off or paper drop off. See the NetTutor section for more details about this service!
If you have any questions about writing support, send an email to writing@webster.edu.
Academics News and Announcements

Webster University Reaffirms Commitment to an Inclusive and Supportive Community
January 31, 2025

Five Online Webster Programs Ranked Among the Best in the U.S.
January 21, 2025

Professor Kwon’s Project Highlighting Black Artists Earns a National Endowment for the Arts Grant
January 17, 2025