Permit Designations
This permit allows all graduate and undergraduate commuter students to park on most flat lots and the Garden Park Plaza. This permit does not entitle you to park in any lot designated for visitors or residential parking. There must be a sticker in the corresponding term box on the permit for it to be valid for that term. Do not throw the permit away during the year. Just add stickers for each term or semester you are taking classes.
- Commuter per year: $190
- Commuter per semester: $100
- Commuter per term: $60
Individuals with handicap permits issued by the state are authorized to park in designated handicap parking spaces. In addition, faculty, staff and students with state-issued permits must also have the appropriate University parking permit.
All faculty, staff, students and visitors parking a vehicle on University parking lots must comply with the University parking regulations, policies and procedures that are contained within this document.
Additional Parking Information
Students who voluntarily withdraw/drop must return the parking permit along with the completed withdraw/drop form to the Department of Public Safety. Refunds will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Designated Visitor Parking Lots: B, C, D, G, H, I, J, K, L, P
Disabled Access Parking Lots: B, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, P
Student, Faculty and Staff Parking Lots: A, C, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, P
Webster Village Apartment Parking Lots: M, N
No Students, Faculty, or Staff Parking in Lots G, I, J, K and the lower level of the
Parking Garage: Tuesday - Friday after 6 p.m., Saturday after 3 p.m. and all day Sunday during The
Repertory Theatre season. Cars must be moved from these lots or they will be ticketed.
Parking for Theatre Patrons: The lots adjacent to the Loretto-Hilton Center (I, J, K and G) are reserved from September through April for The Repertory Theatre patrons. These lots are reserved for The Repertory Theatre patrons Tuesday through Friday after 6 p.m., Saturdays after 3 p.m. and all day on Sundays. All faculty, staff and students must have their vehicles moved from these lots by the aforementioned times or they will be subject to ticketing, immobilization or possible towing at the owners' expense if they are left on these lots. The Repertory Theatre's season schedule can be found on their website.
Valid Parking Space: Park your vehicle in a valid parking space, between two white parallel parking stall lines. Do not park on or over the line regardless of how others park, and do not create or add a space in areas that are not designated by two parallel parking stall lines.
No Parking Areas: Any area not designated as a valid parking space according to the definition above. These areas do not require signage and often times are unmarked.
Yellow Curbs: Yellow curbs, yellow hash marks and yellow markings at the end of aisles designate no parking areas.
Fire Lanes: Any area in a parking lot/garage that does not have white parking stall lines or is not a valid parking space (as defined above) is considered a fire lane. Fire lanes are marked with red paint or signage on the ground and often times are unmarked. Parking in a fire lane for any length of time is prohibited,
Loading Zones: These spaces are designated for loading and unloading vehicles. They are not parking spaces. You are allowed to park in these zones for 15 minutes with the flashers on to load or unload. These spaces will be striped in yellow paint.
Permit Ownership: A parking permit signifies an individual has been granted the privilege of parking on University property. Ownership of the parking permit remains with the University. You are responsible for all parking violations you receive on campus.
Permit Display: A parking permit is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly on the vehicle. To be valid, a permit must be clearly visible and hang from the rear view mirror with permit number and color side facing the front windshield. If permits cannot be hung from the rear view mirror, they may be placed on the driver's side dashboard with the number and color side facing up. Permits must also correspond to the lot/garage the vehicle is parked in. Commuter students and adjunct faculty must also have a sticker on their permit corresponding to the current term to be valid. All vehicles parked on University property must have a valid permit displayed to be legally parked.
Speed Limit: The maximum speed in the Garden Park Plaza and all parking lots is 10 mph.
Finding Authorized Spaces: Drivers are responsible for finding an authorized parking space. Mechanical problems, inclement weather or other vehicular disabilities do not justify parking violations.
Space Availability: A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space, but an opportunity to park within a specified area or areas.
The University has allotted parking spaces to be utilized by visitors and guests of the University. These spaces are clearly marked by signage and are to be solely utilized by visitors and guests of the University. Current students, faculty or staff are NOT allowed to park in Visitor and/or Reserved Parking spaces prior to 5 p.m. so long as the space is not reserved for a specific guest.
Unauthorized parking in reserved spaces may result in the vehicle being towed.
To reserve a parking space for a guest, the request must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance. Parking on campus is limited and spaces will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests are to be made by emailing and providing the following information:
- Name of guest(s)
- Lot location
- Date of the reservation
Visitor parking spaces are limited to individuals who are not affiliated with the University but wish to visit the campus to gather enrollment and/or employment information or to conduct other University business. Current students, faculty or staff are NOT allowed to park in Visitor and/or Reserved Parking spaces prior to 5 p.m. so long as the space is not reserved for a specific guest.
Visitors who park in the Garden Park Plaza garage must park in the designated spaces and sign the visitor log located in the Public Safety.
Visitor parking spaces are located in most parking lots on campus and are clearly marked with placard signage. They are to be utilized on a first-come, first-served basis.
Regulations and Citations
All motor vehicle parking regulations are in effect 24 hours every day, seven days a week, including periods when classes are not in session.
Parking Violations and Fines | Fees |
Parking at the University without a current permit displayed | $40 |
Parking in a fire lane | $75 |
Parking in a disabled space without proper University permit and a state (any state) disabled permit (Including hash-marked space next to space) | $100 |
Parked in a reserved/restricted area | $40 |
Blocking and/or straddling, end of aisle | $40 |
Parked in residential parking only | $40 |
Parked in crosswalk or crosshatched area | $40 |
Damaging University property (grass/landscape/sidewalks) | $40 |
Vehicle immobilization (boot) | $40 |
Parked in barricaded area/moving barricades/construction area | $40 |
Exceeding time limit in loading zone (15 minutes with flashers on) | $40 |
Possession of a lost/stolen/altered/forged permit or parking on campus after parking privileges have been revoked | $200 |
Any faculty, staff or student with more than four parking violations during the school year will be considered persistent offenders and are subject to being booted if found parked illegally on campus. After a vehicle has been booted it is then subject to being towed off campus at the owners' expense for any further parking violations.
Fines can be paid with cash or check at the Public Safety Office or the Business Office. Faculty and staff member fines that are not paid within 60 days will be deducted from their paycheck.
The department of Public Safety is authorized to remove or impound motor vehicles from University property AT THE OWNER'S EXPENSE when the vehicle is in violation of the parking regulations.
The tow fee is subject to change depending on the availability of the vendor providing the towing service. Special equipment or circumstances may increase the charge. A “drop” fee is charged in situations where the tow truck is hooked-up to the vehicle, but still on Webster University property. A daily storage fee is charged if the vehicle is not reclaimed by the owner.
The Department of Public Safety is authorized to immobilize or place a "boot" on any vehicle found on University property wherein the individual has four or more unpaid parking tickets. Removal of a "boot" will only occur after the individual has appeared in the office of the Department of Public Safety during business hours.