Accessibility Committee


The Accessibility Committee strives to identify and rectify accessibility needs on campus, to educate the campus community on accessibility issues, to challenge the University to exceed ADA requirements, and support the accessibility work of campus units, especially the Reeg Academic Resource Center.


It is the policy of Webster University to create and maintain an environment in which all students, faculty, and staff may learn and work to their fullest potential, limited to the least extent possible by individual disabilities. In the pursuit of this policy, Webster University will comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding hiring, education and public services provided to individuals with disabilities.

students on campus

Purpose of the Committee

The committee is a resource within the Webster University system on any academic, physical, or employment issues related to disability and access. The committee can develop policies and procedures for removing barriers to full access in work and learning within the university, and makes its recommendations on those matters to its respective authorizing bodies. Policies and procedures relating to academic and curricular matters shall be approved by Faculty Senate.  Policies and procedures relating to fiscal and administrative matters shall be approved by the Administrative Council. The committee oversees the implementation of approved policies and procedures.

The committee prioritizes necessary projects requiring capital expenditure to improve accessibility and to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. It advises the Vice President for Finance & University Services regarding the allocation of funds in pursuit of these objectives.

The committee hears issues and problems raised by students, faculty, administration, and staff regarding accessibility and services provided to individuals with disabilities. When appropriate the committee seeks to assist the parties in the resolution of such problems. The committee monitors the outcome of its recommendations, and makes and annual report to its authorizing bodies.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to submit questions, issues or concerns relating to accessibility at Webster University in writing to the committee email address: Issues will be shared with the general committee as part of our agenda at the next meeting. A summary of the discussion and any recommendations made by the committee will be communicated to the appropriate department, as well as to the person who submitted the statement.

August 12, 2020 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
September 23, 2020 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
October 28, 2020 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
December 9, 2020 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
January 27, 2021 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
February 24, 2021 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
March 24, 2021 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
April 28, 2021 Agenda 9 a.m. virtual
  1. Three (3) students: two (2) appointed by the Student Government Association and one (1) recommended by the Reeg Academic Resource Center
  2. Three (3) faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate.
  3. Three (3) members of the staff, two (2) appointed by the Webster Staff Alliance and one (1) appointed by the President.

Ex-Officio members are:

  • Director of Public Safety or designee
  • Academic ADA coordinator
  • Director of Health Services or designee
  • Vice President and Chief Financial Officer or designee
  • Vice President for Student Affairs or designee
  • Associate Vice President for Resource Planning and Budget or designee
  • Dean of the Library or designee
  • Vice President of Information Technology or designee
  • Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer or designee
  • Assistive Technology Program Coordinator