Special Study Opportunities |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Study Abroad at the International Campuses
Webster University undergraduates and some graduate students may spend a term or more studying abroad at one of Webster University's international campuses, without interrupting their progress toward a degree at Webster.
All Webster University students enrolled at a United States campus must contact the Office of Study Abroad in St. Louis for study abroad advising, planning and information on how to apply. No Webster student may participate in a Webster University program that involves studying at an international location without approval from the Office of Study Abroad. Webster students enrolled at an international campus who want to study abroad should work with the study abroad coordinator at their campus.
Webster University students who wish to study abroad on an international partner or short-term faculty-led Webster program are also required to apply through the Office of Study Abroad. No transfer credit from another institution or program will be accepted unless prior approval has been granted by Webster University. Applications to unaffiliated programs will only be approved in rare and exceptional circumstances.
Degree-seeking undergraduates at Webster University in the United States who wish to study abroad at an international campus should make sure that they have met the following approval criteria for study abroad.
Students should:
- Be enrolled at a Webster University campus in the United States.
- Have earned at least 15 undergraduate credit hours at Webster University.
- Be prepared to register for at least 6 credit hours per eight-week term (at least 12 credit hours per full semester term) at the international location, maintaining full-time status.
- Be in good academic standing (2.5 cumulative GPA at a Webster campus; partner institutions may require a higher GPA).
- Have good financial standing and be current in all accounts with the Business Office.
- Be compliant with Webster University's student conduct policy.
- Be proficient in English; if an English as a Second Language (ESL) student, the student should be officially released from ESL at the time of international travel and must have completed at least one semester after release.
Through the Webster International Network of Schools (WINS) Program, students currently attending other colleges and universities in the United States may study abroad on a Webster program. On completion of their study experience, these students transfer credits earned at Webster back to their home institutions. Students transferring credits earned at Webster University to any college or university are responsible for ascertaining that institution's transfer policies regarding these credits.
Refer to the International section of Locations Offering Undergraduate Programs for additional information on the international campuses and the academic programs that are offered at each location.
Non-Credit Bearing Programs
Students who wish to participate abroad in non-credit bearing programs, including work, internships, and volunteering abroad enrolled at a United States Webster campus must contact the Office of Study Abroad in St. Louis. Webster students at campuses outside the U.S. wanting to participate in such programs must contact the study abroad or student affairs staff at their campus.
Students who wish to go abroad should contact the Office of Study Abroad.
Contact Information:
Toll Free: 800-984-6857
Phone: 314-968-6988
Fax: 314-963-6019
Email: worldview@webster.edu
Web: www.webster.edu/study-abroad
Address: 470 East Lockwood Ave.
Sverdrup 207
St. Louis, Missouri 63119-3194
Study Abroad Advising, Registration, and Tuition
Degree-seeking undergraduates at Webster University who wish to study abroad must meet with their study abroad advisor and with their academic advisor to register for study abroad coursework. Students from other colleges and universities who wish to participate in Webster's WINS Program should contact Webster University's Office of Study Abroad.
Degree-seeking undergraduates at Webster University who meet the approval criteria for study abroad will pay their home campus tuition rates to study on an international campuses program and some international partner programs: per credit tuition during the summer term and flat-fee tuition if attending fall and/or spring term(s). These tuition options are limited to study abroad for a maximum of five terms (one full academic year).
Students who plan to study abroad for more than five terms must notify the Director of Study Abroad to get special permission and to discuss the changes that will occur in their tuition charges and scholarship and financial aid eligibility beginning with their sixth term of study.
Tuition rates may vary for visiting undergraduates or graduate students, as well as for those who wish to begin their studies directly at an international campus as degree-seeking pupils. Tuition information is available from the student's home campus.
All students who study abroad will pay the corresponding study abroad fee, which provides them with mandatory international health insurance for the duration of their time abroad; pre-departure materials; pre-departure and on-site orientations.
Withdrawal from Study Abroad Program
Students needing to withdraw from an international program must contact the Office of Study Abroad in writing as soon as possible about program withdrawal and pertinent policies. The full policy for Study Abroad withdrawal can be found online at www.webster.edu/study-abroad/application.php.
If a student is considering leaving a program, the Office of Study Abroad would like to help the student weigh options and make sure that the student understands the academic and financial implications. The date of a decision to withdraw is determined by email, fax, or written notification from the student, or a responsible representative if the student is unable to communicate on their own behalf, to the Office of Study Abroad.
The study abroad application deposit for Webster-administered programs is nonrefundable. With notification of withdrawal prior to the withdrawal deadline of the program, tuition and related fees for all Webster-administered programs will be refunded 100 percent, minus the deposit. The student may also still be responsible for housing fees. Air travel and visa application expenses are not covered by program refund policies. See the withdrawal policy for more details.
Webster University offers academic credit for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs through crosstown agreements with the Gateway Battalion (U.S. Army) at Washington University or through Detachment 207 (U.S. Air Force) at Saint Louis University. Approved ROTC courses are accepted as resident credit at Webster University, and a maximum of eighteen (18) semester credits may be applied to an undergraduate degree. ROTC credit may not be applied toward completion of a graduate degree. Regular tuition rates apply toward ROTC coursework.
A student needs to ascertain exactly what classes (course names and codes) and what semester/term the respective ROTC organizations want the student to register for at Webster University. Once that is understood, the student should personally contact the Registrar’s office (Loretto Hall, Rm 63) or email at registraroffice@webster.edu to be registered for those ROTC classes.
For information on ROTC programs, including information on both Air Force and Army ROTC programs, interested students should first contact their respective service recruiting office. The Webster Office of Military Affairs (OMA) is happy to assist and can be found at https://www.webster.edu/military/military-affairs-office.php and reached at oma@webster.edu.
WebsterLEADS: Student Leadership Development Program
The mission of the WebsterLEADS student leadership development program is to afford students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to the practical world of leadership and work, both on- and off-campus. The program’s goals are to assist students with developing skills such as communication, critical thinking, decision-making, group process and sensitivity to diverse perspectives.
WebsterLEADS provides a co-curricular leadership experience with multiple components, which culminates with earning the Leadership Certificate. Students complete certificate requirements with the guidance of leadership advisors in a cohort-based program. The WebsterLEADS program is in operation at Webster campuses in Webster Groves, Geneva, Leiden and Vienna.
The leadership certificate is awarded to students who complete all four phases of the LEADS curriculum.
Students can apply to the WebsterLEADS program by contacting the Director of the Office of Student Engagement.
Contact Information:
Phone: 314-968-7105
Email: lead@webster.edu
Web: https://webster.edu/student-life/websterleads.php
Forensics and Debate Program
Webster University offers all students the opportunity to enhance their speaking, thinking, and reasoning abilities through participation in competitive speech and debate. Any student can be part of the forensic and debate program, regardless of previous experience. Students may enroll in SPCM 2000 Forensics to receive academic credit for participation. Students may also receive additional debate training through enrollment in POLT 1550 Introduction to Political Argumentation and Debate. First year students can enroll in either or both of these courses. Participation in the forensics and debate program can also qualify students for membership in the national forensic honor society, Pi Kappa Delta. The program participates in a full range of speaking, performance, and debate events.
Contact Information:
Gina Jensen, Forensics and Debate Coach
Phone: 314-968-7164
Email: jensen@webster.edu