International Human Rights |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
18 Credit Hours
This program is offered by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences/Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies. It is available at the St. Louis main campus.
For information on the general requirements for a minor, see Minor under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
Required Courses
Core Courses
- HRTS 1100 Introduction to Human Rights (3 hours)
- HRTS 2500 Current Problems in Human Rights (3 hours)
Elective Courses
Students may choose 12 credit hours from the following, including at least 6 credit hours with an HRTS prefix:
- HRTS 2086 Topics in Human Rights (3 hours)
- HRTS 3051 Religion and Human Rights (3 hours)
- HRTS 3080 Advanced Topics in Human Rights (3 hours)
- HRTS 3160 Human Rights in Film: Documentaries (3 hours)
- HRTS 3170 Human Rights in Film: Narrative Films (3 hours)
- HRTS 3200 Human Rights Area Studies (1-3 hours)
- HRTS 3210 Prejudice and Discrimination (3 hours)
- HRTS 3340 Global Ethics (3 hours)
- HRTS 3400 Human Rights and the Environment (3 hours)
- HRTS 3500 International Human Rights Law (3 hours)
- HRTS 3590 Theories of Human Rights (3 hours)
- HRTS 3600 Topics in Mass Violence (3 hours)
- HRTS 3700 Human Rights and Business (3 hours)
- HRTS 4500 Human Rights Field Experience (3 hours)
- ANSO 1050 Global Social Problems (3 hours)
- ANSO 2300 Social Movements (3 hours)
- ANSO 3130 Race and Ethnicity (3 hours)
- ANSO 3340 NGOs in a Global Arena (3 hours)
- ANSO 4175 Globalization (3 hours)
- ANSO 4250 Class, Status and Power (3 hours)
- ENGL 1060 Protest Literature (3 hours)
- ETHC 1000 Issues and Problems in Ethics (3 hours)
- INTL 1500 The World System since 1500 (3 hours)
- INTL 2030 International Law (3 hours)
- ISTL 1000 Introduction to Global Studies (3 hours)
- MDST 2800 Media, Diversity and Society (3 hours)
- PHIL 2320 Contemporary Moral Problems (3 hours)
- PHIL 2340 Bioethics (3 hours)
- PHIL 2360 Environmental Ethics (3 hours)
- PHIL 2400 Human Rights and Animal Rights (3 hours)
- PHIL 3360 Global Information Ethics (3 hours)
- PHIL 3370 Feminist Philosophy (3 hours)
- POLT 1080 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 hours)
- POLT 2550 The Politics of Development (3 hours)
- PSYC 3225 Holocaust (3 hours)
- PSYC 3275 Genocide (3 hours)
- RELG 3051 Religion and Human Rights (3 hours)
- WGST 2610 Women, Gender and Sexuality in Social Justice Organizations (3 hours)
- WGST 2620 Women and the Law (3 hours)
- WGST 4220 Gender, Justice and Human Rights (3 hours)
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