Music Education (BMEd) with an Emphasis in Choral Music K-12 |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
This program is offered by the Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts/Department of Music and is only available at the St. Louis main campus.
Program Description
Webster offers two emphases in music education to meet or exceed the requirements of the State of Missouri for teacher certification, K-12. These programs are designed for students who wish to teach music in elementary or secondary school music programs.
The bachelor of music education is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). The bachelor in music education is also accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Learning Outcomes
A music education student will:
- Articulate a personal philosophy of music education and explain how that philosophy informs pedagogical practice.
- Analyze, devise and/or select instructional activities and materials (including repertoire) for being developmentally appropriate, relevant, culturally responsive/sustaining, and aligned with state and national music standards.
- Plan and execute instruction in a variety of formats and learning modes, accounting for a variety of student backgrounds, abilities, needs and interests.
- Demonstrate understanding of assessment, measurement and evaluation through the deploying of valid and reliable assessment tools.
- Demonstrate a broad and versatile set of musical skills in service of making music instruction relevant for all students.
- Use technology effectively to enhance instruction.
- Develop professional dispositions and skills (e.g., communication) appropriate to the practice of music education.
Admission and Audition Requirements
To be admitted as an undergraduate music major or music minor, applicants must complete an audition/interview with the music faculty and complete various diagnostic examinations. Auditions are arranged through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Specific information on the audition requirements for each music degree program is available from the department's website. Priority consideration for performance scholarships is given to students who complete all admission requirements before February 28 of the application year.
Degree Requirements
For information on the general requirements for a degree, see Baccalaureate Degree Requirements under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
- Required courses
- Applicable University Global Citizenship Program hours, with accommodations for the bachelor of music education
- Electives
Global Citizenship Program for Bachelor of Music Education
- GLBC 1200 Global Cornerstone Seminar
- 6 credit hours from courses designated ‘Roots of Cultures’ (One course with the MUSC prefix can fulfill GCP and major requirements simultaneously.)
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Social Systems & Human Behavior’
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Global Understanding’
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Physical & Natural World’ or ‘Quantitative Literacy’
- KEYS 4XXX Global Keystone Seminar
NOTE: Except where specified otherwise, the above courses must not also satisfy major requirements. GCP skills requirements may be fulfilled with the courses above, courses in the major, or electives. 'Arts Appreciation' is satisfied in meeting the requirements for the major
Required Courses
Core Music Courses
- MUSC 1010 Music Theory and Aural Skills I (4 hours)
- MUSC 1020 Music Theory II (3 hours)
- MUSC 1820 Aural Skills II (2 hours)
- A minimum of 6 credit hours chosen from the following:
- MUSC 1370 Jazz Keyboard Theory I (3 hours)
- MUSC 2050 Songwriting Theory (3 hours)
- MUSC 3060 Topics in Music Analysis (2-3 hours)
- MUSC 3065 Topics in Music Analysis (2-3 hours)
- MUSC 4030 Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint (3 hours)
- MUSC 2060 Social and Cultural Approaches to Music (3 hours)
- MUSC 2070 Music in Western Culture (3 hours)
- A minimum of 4 credit hours chosen from the following:
- MUSC 3160 Topics in Musicology (1-3 hours)
- MUSC 3165 Topics in Musicology (1-3 hours)
- MUSC 3520 History of Popular Styles (3 hours)
- MUSC 3170 Jazz History (3 hours)
- MUSC 4040 Music of the Twentieth Century (3 hours)
- MUSC 0200 Candidacy Examination (0 hours)
- MUSC 0500 Senior Overview (0 hours)
Performance Courses
- MUSC 2601, MUSC 2602, MUSC 3001, MUSC 3002, MUSC 4001, MUSC 4002 Applied Music: Piano/Voice (six semesters required) (12 hours)
- MUSC 2001, MUSC 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, MUSC 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2505 Applied Music: Secondary Instrument (four semesters required; secondary instrument as approved by advisor) (4 hours)
- MUSC 0890 Recital Attendance (six semesters required) (0 hours)
- MUSC 0990 Master Class (six semesters required) (0 hours)
- MUSC 0410 Music Education Recital (0 hours)
Major Ensemble
7 hours to be selected from the following:
- MUSC 4900 Webster University Chorale (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4910 Webster University Chamber Singers (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4920 Webster University Aurelia (1 hour per semester)
Supportive Courses
- MUSC 1080, 1085 Class Piano I, II (4 hours) (may be waived on the basis of placement exam results)
- MUSC 2085 Keyboard Skills for Music Educators (2 hours)
- MUSC 2200 Intro to Music Education (2 hours)
- Choose two of the following courses, as approved by advisor:
- MUSC 1500 Music Software Applications: Notation (1 hour)
- MUSC 1501 Music Software Applications: Digital Audio Workstations (1 hour)
- MUSC 1502 Music Software Applications: Presentation Tools (1 hour)
- MUSC 3210 Elementary School Music Methods (3 hours)
- MUSC 3220 Classroom Management in Music Settings (1 hour)
- MUSC 3230 Secondary General Music Methods (2 hours)
- MUSC 3240 Teaching Reading in the Music Classroom (3 hours)
- MUSC 3410 Conducting I (3 hours)
- MUSC 3430 Advanced Choral Conducting and Literature (3 hours)
- MUSC 4070 Choral Arranging (2 hours)
- MUSC 4080 Secondary Choral Methods and Literature (3 hours)
- MUSC 4250 Vocal Pedagogy I (2 hours)
All music education majors also complete:
- The School of Education's required Global Citizenship Program courses satisfying the state education requirements; and
- The following courses:
- EDUC 2000 Beginning Practicum in Education (Grade of B or better) (1 hour)
- EDUC 2110 Communication in Education (3 hours)
- EDUC 2800 Foundations in Education (Grade of B or better) (3 hours)
- EDUC 2900 Education of Students with Exceptionalities (3 hours)
- EDUC 3010 Practicum: K-12 Choral Music (1 hour)
- EDUC 3100 Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (3 hours)
- EDUC 4000 Apprentice Teaching Seminar (1 hour)
- EDUC 4435 Inclusive Practices and Methods for Teaching English Learners (3 hours)
- EDUC 4983 Apprentice Teaching: Choral Music K-12 (13 hours)
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