Music (BM) in Composition with an Emphasis in Songwriting |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
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This program is offered by the Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts/Department of Music and is only available at the St. Louis main campus.
Program Description
The composition program at Webster focuses on contemporary concert music or songwriting. Students are also encouraged to explore many other musical styles and technologies such as jazz, electronic, computer and MIDI applications. Faculty composers work directly with composition majors. Numerous opportunities exist for the performance of students' work, including the Webster New Music Ensemble, Student Songwriter Showcase, and the Wet Ink project.
Students in this major complete the required core, performance, composition and supportive courses, and complete one of the two emphasis areas.
The songwriting emphasis is designed for the student who wishes to pursue a career as a composer, author and performer of original songs. In both private applied study and the classroom setting, students in the songwriter track refine their skills as songwriters/composers, vocalists, lyricists and accompanists (normally on piano and/or guitar). Extensive applied instruction on primary and secondary instruments is coupled with traditional, jazz and commercial music theory and history. Students in this program present a final concert of original songs and a fully-produced compact disc.
The bachelor of music in composition conforms to the guidelines specified by the National Association of Schools of Music for accreditation. Webster University is a full member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
Learning Outcomes
Students with the bachelor of music in composition with an emphasis in songwriting will:
- Conceptualize, develop and complete original compositions for voice and at least one instrument utilizing melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and textural techniques/resources and lyrics gained from study and experimentation.
- Notate compositions clearly and accurately, utilizing music publishing software to produce professional quality scores and parts suitable for performance.
- Demonstrate the acquisition of skills that enhance the compositional process, including conducting, instrumental or vocal performance and musicianship.
- Produce high-quality recordings of their songs through the application of appropriate recording technology and techniques.
Degree Requirements
For information on the general requirements for a degree, see Baccalaureate Degree Requirements under the Academic Policies and Information section of this catalog.
- 93-94 required credit hours
- Applicable University Global Citizenship Program hours, with accommodations for the bachelor of music
- Electives
Global Citizenship Program for Bachelor of Music
- GLBC 1200 Global Cornerstone Seminar
- 6 credit hours from courses designated ‘Roots of Cultures’ (One course with the MUSC prefix can fulfill GCP and major requirements simultaneously.)
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Social Systems & Human Behavior’
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Global Understanding’
- 3 credit hours from courses designated ‘Physical & Natural World’ or ‘Quantitative Literacy’
- KEYS 4XXX Global Keystone Seminar
NOTE: Except where specified otherwise, the above courses must not also satisfy major requirements. GCP skills requirements may be fulfilled with the courses above, courses in the major, or electives. 'Arts Appreciation' is satisfied in meeting the requirements for the major.
Required Courses
Core Music Courses
- MUSC 1010 Music Theory and Aural Skills I (4 hours)
- MUSC 1020 Music Theory II (3 hours)
- MUSC 1820 Aural Skills II (2 hours)
- A minimum of 6 credit hours chosen from the following:
- MUSC 1370 Jazz Keyboard Theory I (3 hours)
- MUSC 3060 Topics in Music Analysis (2-3 hours)
- MUSC 3065 Topics in Music Analysis (2-3 hours)
- MUSC 4030 Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint (3 hours)
- MUSC 2060 Social and Cultural Approaches to Music (3 hours)
- MUSC 2070 Music in Western Culture (3 hours)
- A minimum of 4 credit hours chosen from the following:
- MUSC 3170 Jazz History (3 hours)
- MUSC 3160 Topics in Musicology (1-3 hours)
- MUSC 3165 Topics in Musicology (1-3 hours)
- MUSC 4040 Music of the Twentieth Century (3 hours)
- MUSC 2050 Songwriting Theory (3 hours)
- MUSC 4700 Advanced Topics in Music (taken in junior or senior year only) (2-3 hours)
- MUSC 0200 Candidacy Examination (0 hours)
- MUSC 0500 Senior Overview (0 hours)
Performance Courses
- MUSC 0890 Recital Attendance (six semesters required) (0 hours)
- MUSC 1080, MUSC 1085 Class Piano I, II (4 hours)
- MUSC 2601, MUSC 2602, MUSC 2603, MUSC 2604, MUSC 2605 Applied Music (four semesters) (8 hours)
- MUSC 3001, MUSC 3002, MUSC 3003, MUSC 3004, MUSC 3005 Applied Music (two semesters) (4 hours)
- MUSC 2001, MUSC 2002, MUSC 2003, MUSC 2004, MUSC 2005, MUSC 2501, MUSC 2502, MUSC 2503, MUSC 2504, MUSC 2505 Applied Music: Secondary Instrument (two semesters required; secondary instrument as approved by advisor) (2 hours)
- MUSC 0400 Senior Recital (0 hours)
Major Ensemble
6 hours over eight semesters to be selected from:
- MUSC 4900 Webster University Chorale (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4910 Webster University Chamber Singers (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4920 Webster University Aurelia (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4940 Webster University Orchestra (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4950 Webster University Chamber Music Ensembles (1 hour per semester)*
- MUSC 4955 Webster University Jazz Singers (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4970 Wester University Jazz Collective (1 hour per semester)
- MUSC 4980 Webster University Wind Ensemble (1 hour per semester)
*A maximum of 2 hours of MUSC 4950 Webster University Chamber Music Ensembles may count toward the Major Ensemble requirement.
Composition Courses
- MUSC 0990 Master Class (taken every semester) (0 hours)
- MUSC 3010 Fundamentals of Composition (3 hours)
- MUSC 4010 Studio Composition (five 16-week terms, 2 credits per term) (10 hours)
Supportive Courses
- MUSC 1500 Music Software Applications: Notation (1 hour)
- MUSC 3510 Arranging for Popular Styles (3 hours)
- MUSC 3520 History of Popular Styles (3 hours)
- MUSC 3530 Lyric Writing (3 hours)
- MUSC 3000 Music Entrepreneurship (3 hours)
or MUSC 4370 Advanced Topics in Music Entrepreneurship (3 hours)
Audio Production Courses
- AUDI 1110 Audio Technology Lecture (2 hours)
- AUDI 1120 Audio Technology Lab (2 hours)
- AUDI 1121 Signals and Systems (3 hours)
- AUDI 1130 Audio Technology Practicum (2 hours)
- AUDI 1131 Digital Audio Workstation (3 hours)
- AUDI 2230 Introduction to Music Recording (3 hours)
Senior Project in Composition
The student must submit a major composition project and present a recital of works completed at Webster University of at least 45 minutes in length. The student must also have a minimum of three public performances of original works during the freshman, sophomore and junior years.
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