NURS - Nursing |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas (....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
NURS 2000 Introduction to Healthcare (3)
This course is an overview designed to begin socialization of novice nursing students into the healthcare environment. Events, context and issues impacting the evolution of the nursing and healthcare delivery system including current settings of health care delivery are examined. Definitions and models of health, client, the nursing process and clinical judgment are explored. Self-care as a concept is explored with emphasis placed on daily self-care behaviors to promote wellness and resiliency. Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program.
NURS 2100 Fundamentals of Nursing Care (3)
In this course, the role of data collection through the development of communication, interviewing, history-taking and physical examination to the nursing process is emphasized. Factors impacting variations in response to illness and disease prevention and health promotion behaviors including “lived experience" and social determinants of health are introduced. In addition, major ethical principles and the ANA Code of Ethics to guide care and a model for exploring and resolving ethical dilemmas are studied. Prerequisite: NURS 2000.
NURS 2200 Pharmacology Concepts (3)
This introductory course examines the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for major drug classes. Assessment and management of the therapeutic and toxic effects of pharmacologic interventions are emphasized. The principles of safe medication administration, including drug dosage calculations, are studied. Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program.
NURS 2300 Pathophysiology (3)
This course focuses on the human biological processes occurring in the body, and alterations in those processes. Diseases and their causes, and homeostasis of the human body are studied.
Students will practice: 1) making clinical decisions using current, reliable sources of pathophysiological information, 2) selecting and interpreting focused nursing assessments based on knowledge of pathophysiological processes and 3) communicating with clients and other health professionals regarding pathophysiological processes. Prerequisite: NURS 2200.
NURS 2400 Interprofessional Collaboration (3)
This course focuses on the effective collaboration skills needed for interprofessional practice. Students practice relationship building strategies, effective communication techniques, and group processing skills to provide high quality, safe, evidence-based patient-centered care. Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program.
NURS 3010 Concepts of Professional Nursing (3)
This course focuses on caring and professionalism in nursing practice. Core values and principles foundational to the profession are explored. Accountability for providing safe, effective care and advocacy for diverse individuals and families are addressed. Students discuss historical, legal, and ethical perspectives of nursing and examine contemporary practice issues.
NURS 3020 Lifespan Health Assessment for RNs (3)
Students focus on the acquisition, documentation, and interpretation of findings of a holistic nursing assessment (psychosocial, cognitive, emotional, physical, cultural, and spiritual). Assessment of variations across the lifespan is emphasized. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSN program.
NURS 3100 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 1 (4)
Students build on concepts learned in previous courses to begin to form and refine hypothesis for the care needs of clients experiencing alterations in health in the simulated and acute care setting. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process, clinical judgment and the role of the professional nurse in providing client and family-centered safe, quality nursing care. Prerequisite: NURS 2100, NURS 2300, NURS 2400.
NURS 3270 Evidence-based Practice for Nurses (3)
This course examines the relationships of theory, research and evidence-based practice. Students utilize the skills of questioning, searching, retrieving, appraising and synthesizing to support evidence based practice and innovation of practice. Barriers to evidence based practice, including challenges in dissemination, and the role of the nurse in addressing barriers and change will be emphasized. Also, ethical considerations in research and evidence-based practice will be explored.
NURS 3300 Fluid, Electrolytes, & Therapeutic Nutrition (3)
The course examines individuals or populations at risk for fluid, electrolyte, digestive or nutritional imbalances as a result of physiological, genetic, environmental, social or cultural influences. Emphasis is placed on the care of clients with pathologies caused by or causing fluid and electrolyte imbalance and/ or digestive or nutritional impairments. Topics include fluid, electrolyte and nutrient delivery via oral, enteral, parenteral and other routes, and interactions among foods, nutrients, fluids, medications, and supplements. Prerequisite: NURS 2100, NURS 2400.
NURS 3360 Healthcare Policy, Finance & Regulation (3)
This course explores healthcare, financial and regulatory policies and how these influence nursing practice. Policy influences and shapes issues in healthcare such as: equity, access, affordability, and social justice. A broader perspective of healthcare is examined including how services are organized and financed. The role of advocacy in making policy change is explored specifically focused on vulnerable populations. Prerequisite: NURS 2300.
NURS 3410 Health Promotion and Education (3)
This course focuses on theories and strategies relevant to health promotion and health education throughout the lifespan. Emphasis is on the role of the nurse in health promotion and the teaching process. Students plan, implement, and evaluate a health promotion plan for an individual based on assessment of needs.
NURS 3460 Evidence Based Practice for Nurses (3)
This course examines the relationships of theory, research and evidence-based practice. Students utilize the skills of questioning, searching, retrieving, appraising and synthesizing to support evidence based practice and innovation of practice. Barriers to evidence based practice, including challenges in dissemination, and the role of the nurse in addressing barriers and change will be emphasized. Also, ethical considerations in research and evidence-based practice will be explored.
NURS 3500 Issues in Women's Health (3)
Presents an overview of society's impact on women's health with discussion of how the women's health movement has introduced alternatives to medical control.
NURS 3560 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 2: Lifespan 1 (3)
This course and practicum experience focuses on biological, psychosocial and developmental concepts applicable to the nursing care of clients throughout the continuum of care. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process, clinical judgment and the role of the professional nurse in providing client and family-centered nursing care. The concepts of health, including promotion and maintenance with attention to age-appropriate concerns, genetics, cultural diversity, legal/ethical and family processes are examined. Prerequisite: NURS 3100.
NURS 3570 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 2: Lifespan 2 (3)
This course and practicum experience focuses on biological, psychosocial and developmental concepts applicable to the nursing care of clients throughout the continuum of care. Emphasis is placed on the nursing process, clinical judgment and the role of the professional nurse in providing client and family-centered nursing care. The concepts of health, including promotion, maintenance, restoration/rehabilitation, palliation, and end-of-life are incorporated with attention to age-appropriate concerns, genetics, cultural diversity, legal/ethical, end-of-life issues and family processes are examined. Prerequisite: NURS 3100.
NURS 3600 Topics in Nursing (1-3)
Elective course focusing on a specific area or issue in nursing. May be repeated if content differs.
NURS 3700 Clinical Judgment in Nursing (4)
This course focuses on understanding and applying the concepts of population-focused, public health and community nursing practice across the life span. Students examine variables that influence the health of families and communities focusing on health promotion, health education, and disease reduction interventions. The impact of healthcare policy on accessibility, accountability and affordability will be examined. Students analyze prevalent population health issues, explore population interventions and participate with the community as client to promote quality, culturally proficient, and preventive healthcare. Frameworks of community and public health are examined and community assessments are conducted using a systems approach that promotes health literacy and embraces cultural and spiritual diversity. Prerequisite: NURS 3560, NURS 3570.
NURS 3800 Data Analysis & Informatics in Nursing (3)
This course provides an overview of the use of technology and technology based health applications in the provision of safe and effective client care. The role of technology and informatics in providing data for assessment, planning, documentation and evaluation of client, family, and community outcomes will be explored.
NURS 3900 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 4 (4)
This course builds on concepts from NURS 3700 Clinical Judgment 3, on understanding and applying the concepts of population-focused nursing practice to vulnerable populations, to address health and healthcare disparities, to consider the role of the nurse in addressing global health, and in preparing for and responding to natural and manmade disasters and pandemics. Students continue to analyze prevalent population health issues, explore population interventions and participate with the community as client to promote quality, culturally proficient, and preventive healthcare. Prerequisite: NURS 3700.
NURS 4060 Gerontology (3)
Explores topics pertinent to health care of well older adults and those with chronic health problems. Develops and strengthens the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nurses caring for the older adult. Theories of aging, health promotion and preventive care, mental health issues in older adults, as well as palliative and end-of-life care are included.
NURS 4070 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 5: Specialty Care 1 (3)
This course builds on concepts covered in previous courses and focuses on more complex and unstable patient care conditions, related to mental health and chronic illness, some of which may result in death. These patient care conditions require strong noticing, focused assessments, rapid decision making skills, and effective, efficient nursing interventions. Prerequisite: NURS 2300.
NURS 4080 Clinical Judgment in Nursing 5: Specialty Care 2 (3)
This course builds on concepts covered in previous courses and focuses on more complex and unstable patient care conditions, occurring in the acute care setting, related to mental health and chronic illness, some of which may result in death. These patient care conditions require strong noticing, focused assessments, rapid decision making skills, and effective, efficient nursing interventions. Prerequisite: NURS 3900.
NURS 4100 Quality & Safety in Nursing (3)
This course introduces concepts related to patient safety and quality care. Methods to improve patient outcomes with a focus on continuous quality improvement by the in interdisciplinary team is emphasized. Students will use healthcare data and evidence in a quality improvement and/ or change initiative. Prerequisite: NURS 3560, NURS 3570.
NURS 4110 Interprofessional Collaboration (3)
This course focuses on effective collaboration skills needed for interprofessional practice. Roles and perspectives of the nurse and other health care professionals are explored. Students practice relationship building strategies, effective communication techniques, and group processing skills to provide high quality, safe, evidence-based patient-centered care.
NURS 4200 Organizational & Systems Leadership (3)
This course focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for effective informal and formal nursing leadership in diverse and complex healthcare settings. The theories and concepts of leadership and management are explored and applied in clinical reflections. Prerequisite: NURS 4070, NURS 4080.
NURS 4240 Organizational and Systems Leadership (3)
This course introduces the leadership skills of ethical and critical decision making, effective relationship building, skilled and mutually respectful communication, and interprofessional collaboration. Recognizing that high quality and safe patient care depends upon skilled organizational and systems leadership, quality improvement and patient safety concepts, students will gain understanding of and learn to use these skills in the complex healthcare setting.
NURS 4250 Population Health: Clinical Prevention with Families and Communities (3)
This course focuses on care of families and communities as the client. Students examine variables that influence the health of families and communities focusing on health promotion, health education, and disease reduction interventions. Current public health problems, epidemiology, trends in health care delivery, and community resources are examined. Students analyze the sociocultural, political, economic, ethical, and environmental factors that influence family, community and global health. A visit to a local agency serving vulnerable populations will be completed.
NURS 4260 Genetics, Genomics, & Health (3)
Genetics and genomics are life-span issues with potential implications for individuals, from pre-conception through death. This course provides an overview of the financial, ethical, legal, cultural and social implications of genetic testing and genetic diseases. Prerequisite: NURS 2300.
NURS 4410 Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments (3)
This course explores healthcare, financial and regulatory policies and how these influence nursing practice. Policy influences and shapes issues in healthcare such as: equity, access, affordability, and social justice. A broader perspective of healthcare is examined including how services are organized and financed. The role of advocacy in making policy change is explored specifically focused on vulnerable populations.
NURS 4460 Disaster Management: A Global Perspective (2-3)
This course introduces students to the unique challenges in preparing for, mitigating and responding to natural, technological, and human-made disasters. The consequences of disastrous events are considered as well as strategies for decreasing vulnerabilities and increasing resilience at all phases of a disaster.
NURS 4600 Advanced Seminar in Nursing (2-3)
Elective course designed for in-depth study of a specific area or issue in nursing. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
NURS 4610 Advanced Readings in Nursing (1-3)
Individual student exploration of a specific area of interest in nursing. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisites: NURS 3010, permission of the department chair and filing of official form.
NURS 4800 Capstone Portfolio (1)
Students critically reflect on learning and professional growth throughout the program through development of a portfolio of academic work. Reflection on coursework, including practice experiences, at the end of the program facilitates professional development and demonstrates achievement of end-of-program outcomes.
NURS 4860 Role Transition (3)
This culminating course provides students with opportunities to reflect on and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to transition from student to registered. Content includes current issues in health care, professional practice issues for registered nurses, transition into the workplace and RN licensure exam preparation. Prerequisite: NURS 4070, NURS 4080.
NURS 4900 Apprenticeship (6)
Through preceptorship experiences, this course provides students with opportunities to demonstrate competencies, to provide complex patient care, to balance the demands of a professional nurse, and to reflect on provided care, as they transition to the profession of nursing. Students integrate knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program including critical thinking and clinical judgment, and the use of information technology, cultural competence, leadership, and collaboration skills in the provision of quality, safe client care. Prerequisite: NURS 4070, NURS 4080.
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