MNGT - Management |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas (....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
MNGT 2000 Foundations for Business Success (3)
This course surveys the competencies and skill areas associated with Webster’s business program. Students will explore topics related to the organization as a complex system, problem solving, interpersonal and professional communication, the role of technology in business and global and ethical issues. An additional course fee is required.
MNGT 2100 Management Theory and Practices (3)
This course presents a broad view of management theory and practices, classical to modern. It examines the basic management functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. It also covers such issues as ethical decision making and social responsibility, innovation, globalization, and working with a diverse work force. There is an additional course fee of $42.
MNGT 2150 Business Ethics (3)
Presents theories of the role of the firm and socioeconomic responsibilities to the stockholders, employees, customer, suppliers, the community, the nation, and the world.
MNGT 2280 Introduction to Business Law (3)
This course introduces students to legal concepts and the thought processes that influence business relationships, decisions, and practices. Ethical issues will be explored along with how such issues can influence the law. The importance of both written and oral communication of legal issues will be emphasized. The legal system, contract law, the law concerning business organizations and civil wrongs and crimes related to business will be examined in the context of court decisions. The operation of regulatory agencies and their impact on business will be also examined.
MNGT 2340 History of American Business and Management (3)
Traces the rise of business as a major American cultural institution, with consideration given to its impact on government, law, education, and social customs. Special emphasis is given to the changes in managerial thought and practice in the twentieth century and the rise of corporate bureaucracy. Cross-listed with HIST 2340.
MNGT 2400 Supervisory Management (3)
Introduces the student to the functions and responsibilities of the supervisor as a first-line manager directing the work of others. Includes supervisor-subordinate relationships, developing worker motivation and cooperation, employee training, development, performance appraisal, absenteeism, tardiness, and complaints and grievances.
MNGT 2500 Marketing (3)
Studies the marketing process as it relates to management, channels of distribution, trends in selling, consumer behavior, promotion and pricing policies, research, communications, and government regulation.
MNGT 2600 Innovation Through Social Impact Organizations (3)
This course is for individuals who want to explore organizations designed to bring about change to the world. Students in this course will explore the expanding field of Social Impact Organizations - blending a social mission with a financially sustainable business organization. This course will examine existing social impact organizations, as well as introduce strategies and tools for identifying, planning, and starting a social impact organization. Core concepts addressed in the course include recognizing opportunities for social impact, organizational structures (for-profit, B-Corp, nonprofit, and nongovernmental organizations), funding models, and social impact measurements. The course project will offer the opportunity for students to examine existing Social Impact Organizations based on the student's passion and develop a comprehensive report on the organization.
MNGT 2700 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3)
This course introduces the concept of entrepreneurship and its relationship with small business. The course focuses on activities involved in planning, organizing, establishing, and controlling a small business. Includes procedures and problems in starting a business, managerial functions, marketing, and financing a new enterprise, as well as governmental regulations.
MNGT 2900 Human Communications (3)
Deals with a variety of verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Specific subject matter may vary from semester to semester. Such areas as the following may be covered: interpersonal communication, small group interaction, self-awareness, written and nonverbal communication techniques, and electronic communications. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
MNGT 3100 Issues in Management (1-3)
Analyzes current management issues in terms of historical background, present status, and possible solutions. Utilizes case studies in discussing each issue.
MNGT 3150 Consumer Behavior (3)
The purpose of this course is to better understand consumer behavior and the impact it has on marketing decisions. The course will study external and internal factors that impact consumption behavior, behavioral concepts as they relate to the buying situations, consumer information search methods and its influence on the decision process and how marketing is utilized to drive consumer behavior. The course will focus on the use of consumer-behavior knowledge in realistic action-oriented situations; utilizes role play, readings, case materials and simulations.
MNGT 3200 Total Quality Management (3)
Course provides students a basic understanding of total quality management theory and practices as they relate to improving customer service. Course follows a "how-to" approach to identifying "internal" and "external" customers, focusing on their needs and expectations, examining those processes that serve customers, brainstorming improvement opportunities, and prioritizing and taking actions for improvement. Students will be able to apply these concepts immediately to their own workplace situations.
MNGT 3320 Business Law: International (3)
Introduces the fundamentals of law and legal relationships related to business in the United States and the Common Market and selected national legal systems. Emphasizes legal problems, laws, and issues in international trade transactions: contracts, agency, distributorship arrangements, sales, negotiable instruments, financing, corporate organization, exports, ventures, and licensing.
MNGT 3400 Human Resource Management (3)
Studies the relationship between management and employees; principles of dealing with the human factor to maximize the individual's fulfillment and the productive efficiency of the firm through sound procurement, development, and utilization of the firm's employees; and labor-management relations. There is an additional course fee of $54. Prerequisite: MNGT 2100.
MNGT 3420 Labor-Management Relations (3)
Studies the historical development and legal framework of labor-management relations, labor unions, and collective bargaining. Explores current trends in labor relations. Prerequisite: MNGT 3400.
MNGT 3440 Stress Management (3)
Studies the impact of stress conditions within organizations and how they impair effective communication and organizational perceptions of organizational behavior. Involves a holistic approach to emotional and physiological stress management. Prerequisite: MNGT 2100.
MNGT 3450 Principles of Organizational Behavior (3)
Presents individual and group processes involved in management-employee relationships; deals with leadership, group dynamics, communications, motivation, morale, power, conflict management, and job design and satisfaction. Includes analysis of modern concepts of participatory management, organizational culture, change, and development.
MNGT 3470 Women in Management (3)
Designed to increase women's expertise in achieving success in management through a theoretical, issues-oriented analysis of problems facing women in male-oriented organizations. Goes beyond sex-role stereotypes and labels to expand women's potential for achievement, leadership, and power. Prerequisite: MNGT 2100.
MNGT 3510 Management of Integrated Marketing Communications (3)
Studies the integrated marketing communications process in terms of its relation to the economy, marketing management and behavioral sciences. Includes the use, organization, planning and preparation of the various components of the IMC plan and its economic and social effects. Prerequisite: MNGT 2500 or ADVT 1940.
MNGT 3540 Digital Marketing (3)
This course provides a fundamental understanding of digital marketing. Students will learn the basic current approaches to digital marketing management, including online listening and monitoring, analytics, search engine optimization, search and display ads, email marketing and social media. The course is designed from a digital marketing professional approach and gives students experiences with industry-relevant hands-on assignments and exercises. Prerequisites: MNGT 2500 or ADVT 1940.
MNGT 3550 Public Relations (3)
Studies public relations policies and practices as an integral process of information gathering, assembling, evaluating, and reporting. Includes an overview of the role of public relations in developing favorable external public opinion toward an organization, corporation, institution, or individual.
MNGT 3580 Professional Selling (3)
This course is designed to teach students the importance of the selling role, provide them with basic professional selling skills and begin to prepare them for a future role in sales or sales management. Students will gain an appreciation and understanding of successful sales and sales management behaviors. Students will develop their competence in professional selling using practical approaches based on theoretical perspectives.
Course topics include the selling process, the buying process, creating value in buyer-seller relationships, prospecting, sales call planning, communicating the message, negotiating for win-win solutions, closing the sale, as well as customer relationship management and customer lifetime value. Prerequisite: MNGT 2500.
MNGT 3600 Management in the Arts (2-3)
Deals with many aspects of the business world and how they relate specifically to the fine arts. Each semester, on a rotating basis, the areas of music, art, and media studies are presented individually by instructors from those departments. Includes copyrights, contracts, studio engineering, unions, merchandising, filmmaking and film music, and artist management, according to the needs of each department. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and permission of the instructor.
MNGT 3690 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) (3)
The course explores the concept, importance, and implications of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by introducing students to theoretical and practical ideas about DEI as they relate to organizations. This course is designed to survey DEI issues in different types of organizations and institutions, paying particular attention to legislative issues: organizational processes such as recruitment, training development, retention, and evaluation; and diversity trends from census and scientific data. There is an additional course fee of $27. GCP Coding: (GLBL) (ETH)
MNGT 3720 Entrepreneurial Marketing (3)
This course introduces students to the unique marketing issues faced by today's entrepreneurs when creating and growing their businesses. Students will learn the process of designing and implementing marketing concepts to address challenges facing entrepreneurial organization. This process, known as Entrepreneurial Marketing, takes into account the special challenges and opportunities involved in developing marketing strategies from the "start-up phase", through growth and maintenance phases. Students will develop a comprehensive entrepreneurial marketing plan over the course based on their own business concept.
MNGT 3730 Innovation, Creativity and the Entrepreneur (3)
This course introduces students to basic theories of innovation and creativity. The concepts are balanced between an analysis of what has been done and what can be done. The course includes an analysis of the sources of creativity as seen from multiple perspectives and from an interdisciplinary perspective. The creativity of artists and musicians is analyzed. The role played by language, and to a lesser extent, literature is also analyzed. The social contexts for creativity and economic activity are evaluated and analyzed. Practical tools for individual creativity are introduced to the student to advance their own approaches to creativity in their specific field to assist the student toward realizing what might be done.
MNGT 3740 Global Entrepreneurship (3)
The Global Entrepreneurship course will increase the probability of success for students who wish to start and grow a global business. Students will gain knowledge and insight into how a global business is born. Because global business factors increasingly impinge upon entrepreneurs, whether the venture addresses a domestic market or a global market the course in global entrepreneurship is relevant to both US-based and non-US-based students. Course provides both experiential learning and case studies involving The World Trade Center, US Export/Import Bank, and The US Chamber of Commerce. Students will develop a global entrepreneurial action plan that can be implemented. Prerequisite: MNGT 2700 or permission of the instructor.
MNGT 3790 Entrepreneurship Consulting (3)
In this course students will gain insight into how entrepreneurial consulting teams function. Working as a mock board of directors they will develop solutions to problems presented to them by entrepreneurs. Students learn to employ creative problem solving tools and techniques to create implementable solutions. Entrepreneurs will engage in this process and provide guidance and support to student teams to explore optimum solutions to their business problems. This course also provides an overview of the profession of consulting with a subsequent emphasis on entrepreneurial consulting techniques. The course emphasizes developing proficiencies in a range of skills required to practice as a consultant. Prerequisites: MNGT 2700, MNGT 3720 and BUSN 3710 or permission of the instructor.
MNGT 3800 Health Care Organizations (3)
Examines the various components of the health care delivery system in the United States from a historical perspective and shows how contemporary, social, economic, political, educational, and scientific factors influence its organization, management, and stability.
MNGT 3820 Health Care Administration (3)
Analyzes organizational patterns of various types of health care institutions. Introduces various administrative functions, including medical staff organization, departmental functions, policy formation, internal control systems, planning procedures, fiscal and personnel management, public relations, and the various information needs of administration. Prerequisite: MNGT 3800.
MNGT 3840 Health Care Budgeting and Finance (3)
Studies accounting and financial management principles and their application to operational problems in the health care environment. Includes budgeting and the purposes and techniques of forecasting financial results for individual projects and the entire institution. Prerequisite: ACCT 2010.
MNGT 3860 Social and Economic Issues in Health Care (3)
Studies social and economic aspects of illness and the health care industry. Includes economic, social, cultural, and psychological influences and the responsibilities of the patient and the health care facilities.
MNGT 4100 International Management (3)
Students examine the environment and operations of international management. Topics include the globalization of business, strategic planning for the multinational, global, and transnational organizations, multinational structure, foreign subsidiary coordination and control, and special issues concerning expatriate employees. Prerequisites: MNGT 2100 and MNGT 3400.
MNGT 4330 International Marketing (3)
The student will be exposed to several aspects of international marketing. These will include the international marketing mix; product, pricing, distribution, and promotion; as well as emerging issues in international trade, such as trading blocs, trade barriers, and standardization/adaptation. Prerequisite: MNGT 2500.
MNGT 4400 Employment Law and Compliance (3)
Covers federal legislation affecting human resource management and labor-management relations, including regulation of the employment relationship, Affirmative Action, discrimination in employment, sexual harassment, employee's right to privacy, safety compliance. Explores current trends in compliance and policy development. Prerequisite: MNGT 3400.
MNGT 4420 Compensation and Benefits (3)
Analyzes critical issues related to the strategic management of organization's compensation and benefit systems. Explores and examines the full context of compensation practice including system design and employee benefits. Analyzes the labor market for insights into socio-economic and political issues that influence wage and salary administration. Considers methods for building adequate and equitable compensation packages to attract and retain competent employees, reqard for merit and provide incentives for development. Prerequisite: MNGT 3400.
MNGT 4510 Advanced Advertising (3)
Concentrates on the relationships that exist between advertising and the mass media, managerial decision making in media planning and buying, and the development of strategy in the use of advertising. Case studies included. Prerequisite: MNGT 3510.
MNGT 4550 Marketing Management (3)
Studies marketing management issues, methodology, and practices. Focus will be on information processing and analysis, defining marketing objectives, market selection, product management, channel management, advertising and promotion, personal selling, pricing, marketing research, and organizing the marketing effort. Cases involving marketing challenges outside of North America will constitute an important emphasis within the course. Emphasis will be on problem-solving approaches through case study work. Prerequisites: ACCT 2010, ACCT 2025 and MNGT 2500.
MNGT 4570 Marketing Research (3)
Studies the nature and scope of research techniques employed in gathering information concerning marketing and advertising practices and procedures. Subjects include sources and collection of data, sampling, interpretation of data, and research in areas of motivation, advertising, and consumer behavior. Prerequisite: MNGT 2500.
MNGT 4600 Contemporary Human Resource Strategies (3)
This overview course for the human resource management emphasis utilizes case studies and readings to survey contemporary human resource management problems, challenges, and opportunities. Discussions of changes in the economic, political, social, and technological environments assess the impact of these changes on the human resource management function from both national and international perspectives. There is an additional course fee of $96. Prerequisite: Completion of other courses in the area of emphasis.
MNGT 4610 Reading Course (1-4)
May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: Filing of an official form.
MNGT 4800 Health Care Law (3)
Introduces the legislation and various legal issues affecting the healthcare industry. Includes legal obligations of the governing board, administration, and medical staff; consent for treatment; patients' rights; admission and discharge of patients; negligence and malpractice; licensure; liability of hospital and staff; and medical research.
MNGT 4850 Health Care Administration Overview (3)
This seminar involves case studies designed to provide a practical analysis and application of the theories and problem-solving tools acquired in the health care administration courses. Prerequisite: Completion of other courses in the area of emphasis.
MNGT 4900 Managerial Policies and Strategies (3)
This course takes a broad view of business from the perspective of the CEO and general manager. Students will learn concepts and tools for company and environmental analysis and the formulation, implementation and control of strategies. Students then will apply this knowledge in problem-solving case analysis of firms and industries. There is an additional course fee of $42. Prerequisite: Completion of the other courses in the area of emphasis.
MNGT 4915 Digital Marketing Internship (1-6)
The digital marketing specialization includes a compulsory internship in the area of digital marketing. Students are responsible for finding an internship, but will be assisted by the University's career services support office(s).
This 'internship for credit' will be organized in accordance with local labor laws. It requires 240 internship hours (6 weeks full-time equivalent) directly related to digital marketing. Internships must occur during the fall or spring academic schedule, or during the summer. The internship may also be completed abroad (in students' home countries). An alternative will be provided to students who are unable to find an internship, in the form of a project at the university. Prerequisites: MNGT 3540 and at least three other courses required in the undergraduate certificate in digital marketing management.
MNGT 4920 Marketing Strategies (3)
This capstone course covers a variety of marketing practices, procedures and problems. Employs an applications-based method, with emphasis on use of techniques in product image building and problem solving. Specific, substantive projects are undertaken by the students. There is an additional course fee of $42. Prerequisite: Completion of other courses in area of the marketing emphasis.
MNGT 4940 Global Competitive Strategies (3)
A capstone course that covers a variety of international business and management practices, procedures, and problems. Employs a case-study method with emphasis on problem-solving techniques in a global perspective. There is an additional course fee of $42. Prerequisite: Completion of other courses in area of emphasis.
MNGT 4950 Internship (1-6)
Prerequisite: Major in Management Department.
MNGT 4960 Entrepreneurship Capstone (3)
This capstone course is about building a roadmap for your dreams. It is an integrative,
"capstone" project course designed to bring together a student's entrepreneurial education
experience at Webster University. Building on this entrepreneurial education, each student
will develop a comprehensive business plan based on the student's original and innovative
concept. At the end of the term, each student will present their business plan before
a review panel comprised of faculty, entrepreneurs, financial organizations, and the business
community who will evaluate your plan using "real-world standards." Prerequisite: For students seeking the certificate in entrepreneurship, they must complete all
of the required courses for the certificate. For students seeing the BA in entrepreneurship,
they must complete all required courses for the degree.
MNGT 4970 Senior Thesis (3-9)
This course allows students to pursue significant independent research and writing projects in management. Students apply integrative and analytical skills to provide a final report. They develop the topic, design the study, and integrate the theories, tools, and concepts that they have learned during the program to analyze a management problem in a coherent, systematic, and scientific fashion. The course comes in two parts: the preparatory course with taught classes concluded by a proposal, and the individual research component. The thesis prepares students for further master-level studies. Serves as senior overview. Prerequisites: BUSN 2750, completion of all other courses in the area of emphasis and be within 15 credit hours of graduation. See Senior Thesis or Thesis Project in the George Herbert Walker School of Business & Technology section of this catalog for more information.
MNGT 4990 Entrepreneurship Practicum (3)
The Entrepreneurship practicum course provides students with a valuable opportunity to explore different kinds of real life business activities entrepreneurs engage in to build entrepreneurial skills, competencies and industry specific expertise. Students explore various entrepreneurial career pathways guided by entrepreneurs, industry experts and smart capital providers. Prerequisite: Students must submit a written application to become enrolled in the entrepreneurship practicum course. Selected students will have the opportunity to explore how they can implement their entrepreneurial action plans.
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