LEGL - Legal Studies |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas (....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
LEGL 2080 Topics in Law (3)
In-depth study of various law topics: e.g., privacy law, sex-based discrimination, family law, consumer law, and juvenile law. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
LEGL 2400 Introduction to Law (3)
This course introduces students to the basic history, function, and substance of the American legal system. This course covers the entire gamut of law in general terms, as well as on specific areas of law such as torts, contracts, and property. Students will be introduced to legal terminology, the court system, and the nature of legal reasoning. Furthermore, students will integrate their prior knowledge with the knowledge they gain in this course. Current legal events and cases will be discussed and integrated into the course. Cross-listed with POLT 2400.
LEGL 3000 Legal Ethics (3)
Examines the ethical and professional responsibilities of legal professionals. Students will examine such issues as confidentiality, unauthorized practice of law, and conflict of interest, as well as other ethical concerns likely to face legal assistants and attorneys. Prerequisite: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 3490 Civil Procedure Law (3)
This course focuses on the elements of trial practice including fact investigation, discovery, drafting of motions and pleadings, control of deadlines and dates, and construction of the trial notebook. Prerequisite: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400.
LEGL 3500 Criminal Litigation (3)
This course is an in-depth study of all facets involving criminal law. Students will study the criminal court system from law enforcement investigations through criminal trial and correctional facilities. Students will also study United States Constitutional Amendments that deal with criminal law, as well as statutory laws involving crimes against persons and property. Prerequisite: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400.
LEGL 4310 Commercial Arbitration (3)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, procedures, and legal frameworks governing commercial arbitration. Students will examine the key concepts and practices of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. The course will cover topics such as the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal, the arbitration process, the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and differences in these processes in differing national or regional contexts. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4320 Comparative Banking and Finance Law (3)
This course provides an in-depth examination of banking and finance law from a comparative perspective, focusing on the legal frameworks and regulations governing financial institutions and transactions in different jurisdictions. Students will explore the similarities and differences in banking and financial laws across various countries and regions, considering the impact of globalization and international financial standards. The course covers topics such as banking regulation, financial markets, international finance, and the legal aspects of financial products and transactions. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4330 Corporate Governance (3)
This course explores the legal frameworks, principles, and challenges surrounding corporate governance in an international context. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, including directors, shareholders, and regulators, and analyze the impact of corporate governance on business ethics, accountability, and sustainable development. The course will also address emerging issues and trends in international corporate governance. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4340 International and Comparative Employment Law (3)
This course examines and contrasts the context of employment relations in various countries, including economic, historical, legal, social, and political contexts. This course further examines and compares the roles of key stakeholders and the various processes of employment relations, including collective bargaining and arbitration, consultation, and employee involvement. Prerequisites: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4460 Methods of Legal Research and Writing I (3)
A primary purpose of this course is to focus on the practical skills and ethical decisions required of practicing paralegals and legal professionals. This course focuses on familiarizing the student with legal reference materials by locating, analyzing and summarizing state statutes, local ordinances, court opinions and administrative rules. Students learn the essential skills of legal researching and legal and logical reasoning, and begin to develop legal writing skills. This course enables the student to apply the theory of legal research and writing to practical problems encountered in the legal environment. Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of the department chair and LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400.
LEGL 4470 Methods of Legal Research and Writing II (3)
As this course is designed to train paralegals with the theoretical and practical skills necessary to be a successful paralegal in the legal environment, this course continues to develop the knowledge and skills learned in LEGL 4460 Legal Research and Writing I. Students will focus on finding, analyzing, and summarizing federal statutes, court opinions and administrative rules. Students completing this course will further develop their legal researching, reasoning, and writing skills and will gain a working knowledge of frequently used civil litigation documents (e.g. petitions, client communications, discovery documents, etc.). An emphasis will be placed on drafting these documents and using persuasive writing techniques. Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of the department chair, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, and LEGL 4460.
LEGL 4480 Computerized Legal Research (3)
Acquaints students with the fundamental concepts of locating and accessing legal information utilizing computer technology. Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of the department chair, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, and LEGL 4460.
LEGL 4490 Advanced Paralegal Procedures (3)
Teaches students practical skills applicable to a variety of civil law areas that are needed by paralegals. Some of those skills are case assessment, witness preparation, document acquisition, task-based billing, and recognizing the unauthorized practice of law. Prerequisites: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400 and LEGL 4460, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4600 Legal Studies Seminar (3)
In-depth examination of carefully selected legal subjects, which will involve extensive law-related research and writing. This course is offered periodically and requires focused and intense study. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisites: Usually senior standing or permission of the department chair and LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, LEGL 4460, and LEGL 4470.
LEGL 4601 International Trials: An International and Informed View (3)
This course will utilize the unique function of The Hague as a center of international trials by preparing students with an understanding of the basics of international law and the facts and issues that underpin the trials and related institutions before they observe such trials and court proceedings on location. The procedural and substantive law that controls trials in the United States and in international law will be compared. Because this course depends heavily on the specific trial being conducted at the time of the course, it is impossible to present definite class agendas.
LEGL 4602 International Criminal Law: A Human Rights Perspective (3)
This course will offer a comparison between international law as viewed by most of Europe and as viewed by the United States. The impact of those two views of international law will be studied both in theory and as they apply to tribunals, governmental organizations, and nongovernmental organizations that are located in the Hague.
LEGL 4603 International Issues Related to Women and Children (3)
This course will explore issues relating to women and children from an international perspective. Special attention directed toward comparing and contrasting law and policy on juvenile delinquency; women, children, and poverty; child labor; child soldiers; and child maltreatment.
LEGL 4604 International Jurisprudence and Law (3)
This course will study the historic background of international law, its formation, and its development, including the formation and enforcement of treaties; the role of the international courts; international human rights and the protection of individuals; conflicts in international law; and, if time permits, the law of the sea and international terrorism laws.
LEGL 4605 Constitutional and International Issues: Human Trafficking & Slavery (3)
This course will explore constitutional and human rights issues which arise as individual countries and the international community work to address issues and concerns involving slavery and human trafficking. Topics discussed include: trafficking in women and children; sexual exploitation; labor exploitation, i.e. domestic slavery, forced labor, bonded labor; racial discrimination; refugee issues/status; and other related topics.
LEGL 4606 International Law and the Environment (3)
This course will explore the development of international law on issues related to environmental concerns, including: the international lawmaking process; development of treaties and protocols related to regulation of national resources; waste management issues; environmental concerns relating to marine environments; laws related to freshwater resources; exchange of information among countries; and reporting and monitoring issues.
LEGL 4607 The Hague: Peacemaking Catalyst in International Conflict (3)
This course will explore The Hague’s pivotal role in preventing, resolving, and redressing international conflicts, with heavy emphasis on law enforcement and interpretation. Numerous law-related institutions that make The Hague their home will be explored, including international courts, international law-enforcement establishments, legal think tanks, international arms-control entities, and dispute resolution organizations. Pertinent documents and analysis by leading experts in the field will be studied, discussed, and analyzed, with an eye toward the future roles these entities may play in peacemaking in the future.
LEGL 4608 Collision Course: A Critical Approach (3)
This course will lay a foundation for student understanding of basic international law principles. In addition to exploring the traditional topics of international law such as sources of international law, the role of states, and the management of international conflict, the course will also consider the application of international law as applied outside of the United States. Particular emphasis will be placed on the effect of these often colliding views on human rights around the world.
LEGL 4800 Advanced Topics in Law (3)
An advanced, in-depth study of law topics directed toward the paralegal student. Includes topics such as evidence, probate and estates, intellectual property, environmental law, family law, elder law, employment law, and alternative dispute resolution. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4810 Tort Law Practice (3)
This course is an examination of the various causes of action under tort law. Emphasis will be primarily divided among the three areas of negligence, strict liability, and intentional torts, with additional discussion of various business, employment, and vehicular torts, as well as some emphasis on legal analysis and discovery as they relate to tort issues. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4820 Contract Law Practice (3)
Review of substantive law and practical implications for paralegals and legal professionals in the area of interpretation and drafting of contracts, the Uniform Commercial Code and remedies. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4830 Property Law Practice (3)
This course provides students with a greater depth of knowledge regarding real estate law and practice. Readings and assignments will permit the student to become familiar with standardized forms and contracts that are used in the practice of real estate law. Course permits students to learn to function as a legal assistant/paralegal or other legal professional in the real property area by preparing actual documents, deeds, and contacts based upon an attorney's instructions. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of department chair.
LEGL 4840 Corporations and Business Organizations (3)
This course reviews the substantive law and practical implications for paralegals of agency, partnerships, corporations, and sole proprietorships in a business environment. This course is designed to teach paralegals the theoretical and practical skills necessary to be successful in a legal environment engaged in the practice of business organization and operations. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4850 Computers and the Law (3)
This course will provide students with an overview of computer technology applicable to law office management, document production, scheduling (including docket control), research, litigation support, and communication with other systems. This course will include hands-on computer assignments. It is designed to train paralegals with the theoretical and practical skills to enable them to work in legal environments that utilize computers. Prerequisites: Junior standing, LEGL 2400 or POLT 2400, or permission of the department chair.
LEGL 4900 Paralegal Clinical Studies (3-6)
Students are placed in law-related work environments to augment students’ knowledge of legal studies, procedures, decision-making, paralegal practices, and related areas. A total of 6 credit hours of clinical studies (internships) may be used to satisfy departmental degree requirements, with a maximum of 3 credit hours counting as upper level coursework. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Completion of all paralegal certificate courses with a grade of C- or better.
LEGL 4910 Senior Overview (3)
This is a capstone course for senior legal studies students. Relying on the American Association for Paralegal Education's Core Competencies for Paralegals Programs, students will demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge they have learned in all of their legal studies courses to practical situations. Students will complete a portfolio that contains examples of the student's work, an employment cover letter and résumé. The student's portfolio should also demonstrate the ability to do basic legal research, draft legal documents, use law office software, summarize depositions, and draft interrogatories. Finally, students will also have to show their ability to communicate effectively through oral interviews with the professor and potential employers. Prerequisites: Senior standing and major in legal studies.
LEGL 4920 Global Business Law and Regulation (3)
This capstone course provides an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their legal studies to practical situations in the context of global business. The course will emphasize practical exercises and simulations to develop students’ abilities to conduct legal research, draft legal documents, use law office software, summarize depositions, draft interrogatories, and effectively communicate with potential employers. Students will create a comprehensive portfolio showcasing their work and skills, including examples of legal research, legal documents, and an employment cover letter and résumé. The course will also incorporate mock interviews to help students gain confidence in articulating their legal abilities and achievements to potential employers. Prerequisite: Senior standing.
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