SECR - Security Management |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
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Course Descriptions
SECR 5000 Security Management (3)
This course is an overview of principles and issues in business and organizational security management. Students examine the challenges embodied in various aspects of security such as personnel, facility, and information. Principles of loss prevention and the protection of assets are examined. Students employ the use of situational analysis, case studies, and other research-oriented approaches.
SECR 5010 Legal and Ethical Issues in Security Management (3)
This course is an overview of important legal and ethical issues with which the business and organizational security management professional must deal. Students examine such issues as personnel law and obligations; negotiations; contract management; constitutional rights of individuals; legal liability of security professionals and organizations; legal compliance; and ethical standards.
SECR 5020 Security Administration and Management (3)
Students apply principles of management to security administration. Topics include personnel management, security planning, organizational leadership and communication, and recruitment and training.
SECR 5030 Business Assets Protection (3)
Students examine the application of security knowledge and techniques to the protection of business assets. The security planning process is examined by the study of risk analysis, security surveys, and financial planning and decision making for development of security programs and countermeasures.
SECR 5060 Emergency Planning (3)
Students discuss the role of the security manager in the identification, analysis, and response to a variety of human and natural crises. They examine threats resulting from riots, demonstrations, product tampering, work stoppage activities, terrorism, and natural disasters.
SECR 5070 Issues in Security Management (3)
This course provides the opportunity for the student to analyze special problem areas in security management such as security education and training; labor problems; bank security; campus security; hospital security; military security; and other general contemporary issues. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
SECR 5080 Information Systems Security (3)
Students examine the management of information security and data-processing facilities, including thefts of data, unauthorized uses of information technology, computer viruses, and methods of protecting information, with an emphasis on networked computers. The course covers information technology laws, issues of privacy, and security planning.
SECR 5090 Behavioral Issues (3)
This course focuses on historical and contemporary perspectives of human behavior. Theories of behavior in the context of threat-producing activities are discussed. Contemporary issues such as substance abuse, violence, ideologies, and similar themes are examined.
SECR 5110 Government Security Management (3)
Students in this course will focus on government security, its changing role in the security field, and the increasing complexity of the tasks that government managers face today. Focus of study is on the threats to government due to technology advancements, heightened concerns for the safety of personnel in facilities, the complexities of increased globalization, and the myriad of laws and regulations designed to maintain a balance between securing the country and maintaining its citizens' rights. Students will have an opportunity to analyze and discuss new endeavors by government to secure its institutions and its people. Prerequisite: SECR 5000.
SECR 5120 Business Intelligence (3)
This course is designed to consider the increased business and trade competition among domestic and international markets and the need for business leaders to develop management tools to protect intellectual capital and physical asset from competitors. Students will consider, understand, and analyze methods used to collect information on businesses. In this course, students will explore the true nature of corporate security management in the marketplace and among business alliances, competitors, and governments.
SECR 5130 Investigations Management (3)
This course focuses on the role of investigations in business operations and related issues that must be addressed in any organizational or corporate setting. These issues include legal aspects of investigations, pre-employment screening, employee misconduct investigations, and the protection of intellectual property. Important peripheral issues are the use of polygraph and wiretaps, computer crime investigations, corporate e-mail and internet use policies, surveillance techniques, and workplace violence. The course will provide students with an overview of the investigative process and discuss its relationship to organizational and management functions. Prerequisite: SECR 5000.
SECR 5140 Critical Infrastructure Protection (3)
This course is an overview and continuing analysis of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection (PCCIP) and the efforts to ensure the safety of these vital assets. Originally, the commission studied the critical infrastructures that constitute the life support systems of the United States, determined their vulnerabilities, and proposed strategies for protecting those infrastructures into the future. Students will critically examine the Commission's report, critique its recommendations, and analyze how effective government is in light of past experiences and what may be required to ensure the future.
SECR 5150 Terrorism and Extremist Activity (3)
Understanding the motivation, tactics, and targeting trends of terrorist and extremist groups is mandatory if managers are to be able to evaluate potential threats and then develop appropriate countermeasures to protect the organization's personnel and other assets. Students discuss terrorism as a form of political violence and its effects on security management. Using case studies and class discussions, students examine groups ranging from radical religious fundamentalists to environmental extremists along with other extreme special interest groups. Understanding the manifestations of terrorism will enable students to develop and to apply some of the countermeasures against it through the use of case studies and specific activities.
SECR 5160 Violence in the Workplace (3)
This course is designed for managers in any organization who have responsibility for the safety and security of personnel and clients and would be responsible for managing incidents of violence in the workplace. This course provides an in-depth review of this important security challenge and will emphasize prevention response and recovery. Students will address and become familiar with warning signs that could telegraph potential acts of violence. Also, students will analyze crisis management teams, post incident trauma, and other critical issues associated with violence in the workplace.
SECR 5500 Professional Seminars (1-3)
Students participate in seminars designed to examine contemporary issues in security. The professional seminar supplements the core and elective courses in the area of security management by focusing on issues of current and special interest. Topics might include substantive content areas derived from the Certified Protection Professional Program. This course may not be completed by directed study. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Graduate students may apply a maximum of 3 credit hours of these seminars as electives to meet the credit-hour requirements for graduation.
SECR 6000 Integrated Studies in Security Management (3)
The student is expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired in security management and to evaluate the research and current topics relative to this major. Techniques used to accomplish those goals may vary. Prerequisite: Completion of all other required courses in this major.
SECR 9950 Travel Course-Issues in Security Management (3)
This course provides the opportunity for the student to analyze special problem areas in security management such as security education and training; labor problems; bank security; campus security; hospital security; military security; and other general contemporary issues. This course includes a mandatory short-term travel component. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
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