PROC - Procurement |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
PROC 5000 Procurement and Acquisitions Management (3)
This course is an overview of acquisitions and materials management. Students examine the functional roles of those individuals having responsibility in this area. The course includes discussion of acquisition law, operations management, pricing, negotiations and logistics.
PROC 5220 Systems Procurement and Project Management (3)
Development, procurement and management of major systems are studied. Systems management, life-cycle acquisition, and project management as a multifunction managerial and systems concept are examined.
PROC 5270 Acquisitions Management (3)
Students examine the theory and practice of acquisitions management and the control of materials in a business enterprise. Engineering, production, marketing, finance, transportation, warehousing, and inventory control and the relationship of these activities to the acquisitions management function are investigated.
PROC 5810 Acquisitions Law (3)
The legal framework for acquisition contracts is examined. Students review the Uniform Commercial Code as it relates to acquisitions and basic contract law.
PROC 5820 Operations Management (3)
Needs assessments are translated into facilities procedures and operating methodologies. The course includes an analysis of inventory, reliability and quality assurance, value analysis/engineering and site and layout analysis.
PROC 5830 Pricing (3)
The student reviews the competitive and financial environment related to price proposals utilizing the techniques of cost and price analysis, life-cycle costing, return on investment and cost-benefit analysis.
PROC 5840 Negotiations (3)
The course involves scope, strategies and objectives related to negotiated acquisitions. The preparation, conduct and documentation of the negotiation process are included.
PROC 5850 Logistics (3)
The student reviews the area of physical distribution management, including warehouse management and layout, transportation, and customer service.
PROC 5860 Government Contracting (3)
Students will examine contracting, focusing on complex, non-commercial acquisitions. Through lecture, case study, exercises and other action teaming activities, students will be challenged to accept their roles as business advisors and to apply ethical principles and sound judgments to resolve contracting issues. Prerequisite: PROC 5000 or an equivalent introductory course in procurement and acquisitions management.
PROC 5870 Pricing and Contract Integration (3)
This course reinforces pricing skills taught in the basic Pricing and Negotiation course and further develops skills in pricing, cost analysis and managing contract issues. Integrated Program Teams (ITPs) are established to resolve simulated case studies. Each ITP is required to demonstrate its ability to recognize, resolve and provide advice on pricing issues. Students will appropriately use price and cost analysis in developing pre-negotiation objectives so that a fair and reasonable cost or price position can be supported. Prerequisites: PROC 5830 or an equivalent basic pricing course and a general understanding of the government acquisitions process.
PROC 5880 Issues in Procurement and Acquisitions Management (3)
Current and significant issues in procurement and acquisitions management are examined. The course focuses on existing theories and practices, with emphasis given to new and emerging topics in the field. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
PROC 5890 Government Procurement Law (3)
The law and legal processes associated with government procurement are explored. An overview of government procurement and acquisitions management is presented, with particular attention given to the legal framework in which these activities must take place.
PROC 6000 Integrated Studies in Procurement and Acquisitions Management (3)
The student is expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired in procurement and acquisitions management and to evaluate the research and current topics relative to this major. Techniques used to accomplish these goals may vary. Prerequisite: Completion of all other required courses in this major.
PROC 9950 Travel Course-Issues in Procurement & Acquisitions Management (3)
Current and significant issues in procurement and acquisitions management are examined. The course focuses on existing theories and practices, with emphasis given to new and emerging topics in the field. This course includes a mandatory short-term travel component. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
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