MIGR - Migration, Climate Change and the Environment |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
MIGR 5000 Introduction to Contemporary Migration Studies and Practice (3)
This course is designed to provide students with a lively, up to date and comprehensive introduction to contemporary international migration studies. It will cover theories and practice, legal approaches and human centered ones, historical developments and future projections, through exploring case studies from around the world.
MIGR 5100 Research Methods and Perspectives (3)
Students are introduced to skills, methodological issues and bibliographic resources, which enhance their ability to critically evaluate and conduct research in the field of migration, climate change and the environment. Prerequisite: Permission from the instructor required for students not enrolled in the MA in migration, climate change and the environment.
MIGR 5400 International Migration Law (3)
This course is designed to help students to understand the role of international law in the complex and ambiguous field of migration. There is no single source for the international law governing migration. The current framework is scattered throughout a wide array of rules belonging to numerous fields of international law, including refugee law, human rights law, humanitarian law, labor law, trade law, maritime law, criminal law and consular law.
MIGR 5500 International Environmental Law (3)
This course will offer an overview of the main current principles, standards and practices related to international environmental law. The relationship between international environmental law and other areas of international law, including human rights, migration law and international humanitarian law, will also be examined. Case studies from judicial and non-judicial dispute settlement mechanisms will be used to illustrate the challenges and opportunities in the protection of environmental human rights.
MIGR 5580 Migration and Health (3)
This course offers the participants the possibility to develop their knowledge and understand health issues linked with migration internally and internationally. Diverse theoretical, research and practical dimension to human sciences, nursing, medicine, sociology, psychology, history, economics, education and philosophy of science will be explored, analyzed and synthesized as part of a student's project. Emphasis will be on situational awareness. Students will study specific migration situations and health issues: concerning uncertainty, finding shelters, obstacles, resilience regarding remoteness; identity loss; embrittlement, stigmatization and unburdening. Published official reports will be studied. Visits to international organizations such as the WHO, the International Labor Organization and the UNHCR will be organized. Healthcare field research in the local area will be conducted.
MIGR 5600 Migration, Climate Change and the Environment (3)
This course analyzes how environmental pull and push factors impact contemporary migration dynamics around the world. It provides students with the most recent research findings and policy developments on the topic, while critically assessing and questioning available methodologies, evidence and projections.
MIGR 6250 Thesis (6)
The student completes a thesis project under the supervision of two faculty members. The thesis option is recommended for those considering graduate study at the doctoral level. All theses must follow university guidelines and be deposited in the Webster University library. Proposal forms are available from the department website. Students must secure approval of their proposal from the academic director or coordinator of the program at the site where the thesis is to be done. General policy expects proposals to be submitted before the 24th credit hour is completed. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 credit hours including MIGR 5100.
MIGR 6900 University Thesis Requirements (0)
Required of all MA students completing a thesis project. All theses must follow university and departmental guidelines and be deposited in the University library. Recognizes successful completion of all thesis requirements. Prerequisite: Completion of 30 credit hours including MIGR 5100.
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