EFGS - Education for Global Sustainability |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
EFGS 5000 Foundations of Global Sustainability (3)
This course traces the historical and theoretical development of the concepts of sustainable development, global sustainability and the sustainability mindset. Practical concerns about economic, social and technology development and their impact on planetary ecosystems including human socio-cultural systems are examined. Emphasis is placed on how to support learning about global sustainability.
EFGS 5200 Independent Study (1-3)
Graduate students with special interests in education for sustainability may request that a member of the faculty supervise an independent study. Together the student and faculty member decide the content of the independent study and the criteria for assessment. In no case can an independent study be set up when an existing course already covers the subject. May be repeated for credit if content differs. May be repeated for credit (limit 6 hours for certificate). Prerequisite: Must be degree-seeking.
EFGS 5260 Topics in Education for Global Sustainability (1-3)
This course provides candidates with practical applications of contemporary research and methodology to improve classroom effectiveness while considering the goals and concepts of sustainability. The specific topic of this course will change depending on the instructor, but will always help teachers to better under-stand the relationships between a healthy natural environment, economic stability, and social justice. Different topic designations may be repeated for credit.
EFGS 5410 In-Service Topics (1-3)
In-service courses in EFGS are designed to provide students with practical applications of contemporary research and methodology to advance sustainability and global citizenship in P12 schools.
EFGS 5430 Sustainability Leadership: Transitions and Change (3)
Participants will explore the skills needed to lead others toward a sustainability-oriented school and community. We will study leaders of school reform and community involvement, generate strategies for sustainability education, and learn how to initiate change with professional strategies. Participants will evaluate themselves as leaders and learn the skills needed to lead effectively and with integrity. Prerequisite: EFGS 5000 or permission of the program coordinator.
EFGS 5740 Economics: Choices and Challenges (3)
Designed to assist teachers in preparing students for consumer education, this course explores significant ideas concerning how and why one should become aware of issues in modern consumerism.
EFGS 5900 Reflections and Next Steps (0)
After 18 hours of a variety of courses, this final course will complete the university certificate in EFGS. Prerequisite: EFGS 5000 or permission of the program coordinator.
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